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Green companies are businesses which are making an effort to have as little negative impact on the environment as possible. Going green can mean cutting down on waste, recycling more and encouraging employees to do likewise. Telecommuting and car pooling are two ways employees can go green.

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Q: Going green to preserve the environment?
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nanotech. can reduce e-waste as it consumes less material.

What is green-go?

Going green means to help the Environment and Ourselves.

Does going green really help the environment?

Going green helps the environment to some extent. The real question is not whether it helps, but whether it helps enough. More needs to be done. But going green is at least a start.

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going green, ecotourism

What Are some Of The Long Term Effects on Going Green?

I think Its Basically about renewing the environment.

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raise their voice to preserve good environment

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A wildlife preserve is an area set aside to protect the animals in their natural environment.

Why must you preserve the environment?

because we all ned it.

Which book led to the movement to protect the environment?

There wasn't one book that led to the movement to protect the environment. However, The Green Revolution: The American Environmental Movement details the history of the going green in the US.

Was there a concern for going green in the industrial revolution?

there was no concern for "going green" because businesses were more worried about making a profit than the environment. Also, there was no such knowledge of the ozone layer or the greenhouse effect.