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Millions of people depend on healthcare professionals to provide care that can begin with birth and continues whenever there is the need for medical attention. A well-trained provider can sometimes make the difference between life and death.

The opportunities to serve in the field of healthcare can range from working in a dentists' or doctors' office, a hospital, inpatient and outpatient clinic, laboratory and nursing home. Well-trained healthcare professionals are vital in emergency situations such as natural or national disasters.

The need for healthcare professionals is providing avenues for employment across the disciplines as medical care demands increase among all segments of the population.

The training provided in obtaining a healthcare degree reflects an environment that is rapidly changing as technology improves and provides more tools that enable the healthcare worker to perform more efficiently. Today the improving healthcare environment is continuing to move toward multi-disciplinary as well as specialized training. The aim is to provide the best healthcare using state-of-the-art methods.

The healthcare professional has the choice of working in a laboratory or being involved actively with patient care. In obtaining a healthcare degree, there are choices for both kinds of individuals as there are a wide variety of facilities in which to work and use their healthcare degree education.

The ability to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team in providing patient-centered care requires communication of information between professionals. The terminology taught in obtaining a healthcare degree is used by the team in conveying a transfer of vital information between them.

Healthcare programs can range from those providing less than four years of college to that of a bachelor's degree, a master's degree or a doctorate. The courses will include basic science, anatomy, medical terminology, and ethics in healthcare as well as specializations such as pharmacology or Xray technology. Accreditation for schools providing healthcare education is provided by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Education Programs.

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