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The government issued gas masks. Air raid sirens would go off and everyone would hurry to bomb shelters. Everyone had blackout curtains. Many children were shipped off to the countryside where few bombs fell.

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People protected themselves by hiding in underground stations.

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The dug foxholes or made use of natural cover.

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Q: How did the soldiers protect themselves in world war 2?
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How did soldiers protect themselves from chemical warfare?

The use of mustard gas in World War One was a terrible and inhumane weapon. Gas masks were the best protection soldiers had to avoid breathing in this gas.

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Yes, they were drafted to protect or attack countries.

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What did gas masks do?

Gas masks are used to protect people especially soldiers when gases are used in warfare or domestic disturbances. They were used in World War I to protect soldiers against mustard gas.

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Questions are much easier to answer when they make sense.

Why was the beginning of World War 2 called the phony war?

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