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They did not.

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Q: How did they cure buboes in the black death?
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What modern cures exist for the Black Plague or Black Death?

Doctors, scientists and biologists have found the cure for the Black Death. Antibiotics, paracetamol etc. We now have loads of cures for this. Back then, unfortunately, they didn't. People thought it was a punishment from God. So they did silly things to cure their buboes (because they were desperate).

How did serfs get affected by the black death?

Everyone Will die unless there buboes don't Burst !

Did popping buboes cure the plague?

no but it helped

What was the sickness that cause death to a fourth of Europe?

The black death! or bubonic plague symptoms were buboes fever rashes and nausea

What were the 5 reasons why they thought they caught the black death?

first the buboes then the internal bleeding the throwing up the cramps and the death

What are buboes or bubo?

Buboes are apple sized balls that appear around the armpit, neck, and groin, when suffering from the black death, they will kill you in the matter of 3-4 days :)

How did the black death affect the healthy people?

It affected them because the doctors stopped attending the patients that has buboes ( black death infection). And they died after three days

What did buboes look like?

Buboes were enlarged lymphnotic glands. They are mostly located on the neck, under the arms and around the groin. Buboes looked like bumps. Almost as if you stuck a ball underneath your skin. The buboes became black because they were filled with blood and other bodily fluids. This is how the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) got its name.

Did you get boils when you got the black death?

The buboes generally appeared in the armpits and groin areas.

How are the Swine Flu and the black Death different?

The black death caused armpit swelllings, buboes, fever and death. Swine flu is basically just another form of the flu.