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Q: How many people were killed in the arbeitsdorf concentration camp?
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What large concentration camp killed nearly 6000 people a day?

Auschwitz Concentration Camp had the average death rate of 7313 People daily. Sometimes 24,000 were killed daily.

How many people survived in the concentration camp janowska?

6,000 People including Jews and people of other races were killed in the Janowska Concentration Camp.

What was the difference between a concentration camp and an experimentation camp?

One is where people get killed and the other is where they have expiriments.

Why did the gassing in the concentration camp?

because it killed jewish people instantly

How many people were killed in World War 2 at Banjica concentration camp?

Have a look at these links:

What did they do at the Auschwitz Concentration camp?

They Killed people by: Starving Dehydrating Beatings Experiments Shootings Gassing

Who was killed in the concentration camp?

Jews.. Children, Men, and Woman were killed.

What is Sobibor?

It was a Jewish concentration camp. Around 200'000 people were killed here, and around 600 escaped.

How many people that were killed in Auschwitz-Birkeneau concentration camp were Jewish?

90% or more of the people murdered in Auschwitz were Jewish.

Why were Auschwitz and dachau the most famous concentration camps?

Auschwitz was an extermination camp that killed the most people.Dachau was the first concentration camp.

How many people were killed at the Auschwitz-Birkeneau concentration camp?

It is estimated that 1.1 million people, most of them Jewish, died in Auschwitz.

How many survivors were there in Dachau concentration camp?

Approximately 200,000 people survived auschwitz concentration camps , most of them was Jews, Soviet POWs and couple of gypsies and 1 or 2 homosexuals.