

How To Lose Weight?

Updated: 5/3/2024
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Wiki User

12y ago

Best Answer

You eat healthy all day... spinach, chicken and broccoli.

You try all the diets... keto, paleo and vegan.

You're hungry, you're tired.

But every morning, your weight never changes.

Until you try this... ( LINK IN MY BIO )

A newly discovered bizarre tropical fat-dissolving loophole that has NOTHING to do with dieting or exercise... (in fact eating your favorite foods is recommended!)

Jason Mitchell age 43, dissolved 52 lbs with this loophole.

Cheryl age 54 from Memphis, dissolved 29 lbs of fat with this loophole.

And once I saw the fat melt away for me too, I had to share it with you.

== One Tropical Loophole Dissolves 2½ lbs In 24 Hours

To your amazing health,

This incredible fat-dissolving loophole had been hidden for centuries by a small number of families on a remote Vietnamese island, try it for yourself here. === LINK IN MY BIO CHECK IT NOW!

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Weight Loss Help 247

Lvl 3
2y ago
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Life and Living

Lvl 1
1y ago
Want to lose weight fast check out (link in my bio).
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Redcat provisions

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3mo ago
Click this link to Know Better
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Redcat provisions

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Redcat provisions

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Umer Sheraz

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@ElevateyourDayFollow my YouTube channel to watch motivation videos
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Guy nobel Nzitunga

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Want to lose weight check this link
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Fillah Banda

Lvl 3
3y ago

A reduction in body weight induced by either voluntary (diet, exercise) or involuntary (sickness) circumstances is referred to as weight loss.

The following are some quick weight-loss suggestions:

1. Never miss breakfast

Breakfast, more than any other meal, is crucial to getting your day off to a good start. Breakfasts that will fill you up, keep you satisfied, and keep you from cravings later in the day are the finest.

2. Foods with fiber

Fiber-rich foods can help you feel fuller for longer, which is ideal for weight loss. Plant-based foods including fruit and vegetables, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas, and lentils are all high in fiber.

3. Eat a lot of vegetables

I promise it's that easy! You're on the correct route to greater health if you consider making any meal largely vegetables (at least 50% of whatever you're eating).

4. Avoid alcohol abuse

A typical glass of wine has around the same amount of calories as a piece of chocolate. Drinking too much can easily lead to weight gain over time.

5. Stay active

It's crucial to be active if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise, in addition to having several health benefits, can aid in the burning of excess calories that cannot be lost by food alone. Find an activity that you enjoy and can fit into your schedule.

6. Simple weight lifts

Strength training develops lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether at work or at rest. The more lean muscle you have, the more quickly you will lose weight.

7. Plan your meals

Plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week so you don't go over your calorie limit. Making a weekly grocery list may be beneficial.

If you follow these simple steps, trust me, you will surely lose weight as quickly as possible.

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Life and Living

Lvl 1
1y ago
Want to lose weight fast check out (link in my bio).

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Lvl 2
3y ago

Here are some tips:

  • You may go to MS GYM to burn your calories. I am also a member of this fitness hub and i have lost 10 kgs in 2 months. It has friendly enviroment and also trainers have friendly nature.
  • Cut down your carbs intake and try to have balanced diet.
  • Eat Salad
  • Add Veg upma, palak paneer, corn and veg salad, veg poha in your diet.
  • If you have cravings then u may prefer dahi sandwich, palak pulao, kathi roll.
  • Try to take as much as water you can. Atleast 2 litres of water per day.
  • You may install an app to keep record of your calories intake of whole day. Apps like Healtifyme, Stepz, Lose It!- Calorie Counter etc. There are numerous apps to help you with this.
Fitness Hub (MS GYM)
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Nicole ken

Lvl 1
1mo ago
Say goodbye to crash diets and hello to sustainable, natural weight loss that nourishes your body and soul. Don't miss out on this essential guide to achieving the vibrant, energetic life you deserve.

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Dimitris Germanos

Lvl 2
2y ago

TOP 5 Reasons More Women Are Using Green Smoothies To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, And Look Years Younger:

  1. Green Smoothies for Weight Loss:

A major benefit of Green Smoothies is weight loss. Keep in mind, not all smoothies are created equal however. Some are very healthy while others, not so much. A proper green smoothie for weight loss includes lots of leafy greens and other vegetables, whole fruits such as a banana or apple, and water. Avoid adding dairy, such as milk or yogurt, as these add unnecessary fats and calories, and can irritate your digestive system.

One major weight loss guideline is to increase your intake of vegetables, healthy fiber and fruits. Green smoothies offer a quick and convenient method for this AND they are super quick and easy to make. Just throw everything in a blender for a few seconds, pour it in a travel cup and you are ready to go. The fiber helps you feel full, reducing the urge for unhealthy snacks between meals.

Healthy Meal Replacement

If you make it right, your smoothie is a perfect meal replacement. To do this, you need to add healthy fats and plant based proteins, which helps you feel full and get the nutrients your body needs with fewer calories. Click here for some helpful guidelines and recipes for boosters to turn your green smoothie into a healthy meal replacement option that will help you shed those extra pounds.

Detox Your Body

The fruits and vegetables alkalinize your system, cleansing toxins from your organs and blood. As your body releases toxins, you not only feel better, but you’re your organs run at optimum level. Your body processes and digests more effectively. You absorb nutrients better, helping you feel more satisfied and reduce cravings.

Feel More Energized!

Adding the right nutrients into your body while releasing toxins will give you a serious energy booth. You feel better. More energy also boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories. With all the responsibilities you juggle every day, won’t it be great to have the energy to manage it all and still have some left over for fun? You can play with the kids, have some fun with your spouse, or add in some quality time for yourself.

Boost Your Self Confidence

What? How is a smoothie going to do that? Well, first, you are making a conscious choice to do something good for you. It is a decision you can feel good about. Instead of grabbing something quick that you know is bad for you and is going to make you feel icky, you can make a quick smoothy and drink it on the go, knowing you are nourishing yourself by putting healthy food into your body. Second, as your body releases all the toxins it’s been storing up, you feel better in your body. And, of course, as you drop excess weight, you will feel better about yourself and your body. It’s an all-around win-win.

  1. Beautiful skin, hair and nails:

Antioxidants are natures magic pill for bringing out your natural beauty. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. This, combined with the detoxification benefits of green smoothies leads to clear, glowing skin, stronger nails and lustrous, healthy hair. They help reduce or eliminate eczema and other skin conditions.

  1. Anti-Aging:

You not only get clearer skin, but the nutrients in green smoothies also help boost production of collagen, creating firmer, younger looking skin. Apples, strawberries and Oranges are great choices to add to your smoothie for this. Do you ever buy those super expensive anti-aging lotions with CoQ10? Try a green smoothie instead! It’s cheaper and you know exactly what is in it. Q10 is a naturally occurring coenzyme that helps your skin stay firm and smooth. As you age, the Q10 in your body decreases. Green smoothies are a great source of these anti-aging enzymes.

  1. Improved Digestion And Gut Health:

All that fiber is great for clearing out your digestive tract. This alone has wonderful health benefits as your health starts in your gut. A clear and healthy digestive tract brings less bloating, reduced weight, improved toxin elimination, stronger immune system, increased mental clarity, and more energy.

Ready To Get Healthy And Lose Some Serious Weight Fast?

Adding healthy green smoothies into your diet is a quick and easy, all-natural way for busy women to improve their health and lose weight. There are lots of delicious recipes that are quick and easy to make and won’t break the bank. Whether you are just trying to lose the last 5-10 lbs or you want to lose 30 lbs or more, I encourage you to watch this FREE video presentation and try my Smoothie Diet Program to see how effective detox smoothies for weight loss can be.

Comment "ME" down below and I'll sent the Free Presentation!

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Idrissa DIALLO

Lvl 2
2y ago

Here is a proven way to lose weight with Biofit supplements.

real customer reviews:

“This product is like the anti-diet! I still eat all my favorite foods, but the weight is just falling off me. People keep saying they don't recognize me!”

  • Jinni Becker - From Minneapolis, MN

Biofit Users will benefit from Lactobacillus Rhamnosus contain in Biofit to support the digestive process and improve the digestion that takes in each of their foods.

List of Benefits for using Biofit:

-You Can Expect To Lose up to 72 pounds without special diet or exercise routine,

-Safe with no reported side effects,

-Made up of 100% vegan From USA, Non-GMO, natural probiotic ingredients,

-You don't need to stop eating your favorite foods while losing weight,

Easy to require (just swallow one capsule per day),

Backed by a 180-day refund policy.


ht tps://sites. Google. com/view/biofitreviewsfromcustomers ( remove the space to get in)


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Sharan Deepak

Lvl 2
3y ago

Here are 9 best tips to lose weight faster:

**1.**Eat a high protein breakfast. Eating a high protein breakfast could help reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day

2.Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. Empty calories from sugar aren’t useful to your body and can hinder weight loss

3.Drink water before meals. One study showed that drinking water before meals reduced calorie intake and may be effective in weight management

4.Choose weight-loss-friendly foods. Some foods are better for weight loss than others. Here is a list of healthy weight-loss-friendly foods.

5.Eat soluble fiber. Studies show that soluble fibers may promote weight loss. Fiber supplements like glucomannan can also help

6.Drink coffee or tea. Caffeine consumption can boost your metabolism

7.Base your diet on whole foods. They’re healthier, more filling, and much less likely to cause overeating than processed foods.

8.Eat slowly. Eating quickly can lead to weight gain over time, while eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones

9.Get good quality sleep. Sleep is important for many reasons, and

poor sleep is one of the biggest risk factors for weight gain

Get our FREE Ebook to lose your weight faster

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Lvl 4
3y ago

There are many different ways to lose a lot of weight fast.

That said, many diet plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied.

That's why I went online,I did some research and finally found one of the easiest ways to lose weight fast.

Here are 3 different videos which you can watch for free that will help you lose weight in X amount of days.

  1. ht tps:// vxlRNE

  2. htt ps:/ /oke.i o/HIoas.

  3. htt ps://o ke. io/oR CCqp

Skip the ads and remove the space

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Lvl 2
3y ago

if you want to loose weight I have a got a very good product

Lean Belly 3X by Shaun and Karen Hadsall's Beyond 40 is figured with two characteristic fixings known to be powerful weight reduction impetuses, however is it a trick with negative results or does it attempt to give genuine fat consuming advantages?

To know more please click the link below

To know more please click the link below -cut space)

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Appoorva Sharma

Lvl 5
3y ago

Well being someone who was 80 kgs 4 months ago and now is 65kgs, I will not say its easy but definitely very much possible and its a great feeling. I didn’t went through any kind of diet plans or became a fitness freak who is gyming all the time. I think the best thing that worked in my weight loss journey was the idea of intermittent fasting and morning and evening walk.

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. Its not about what you eat but when you eat. It is a very popular health and fitness trend.

Well I took my guidance from Dr. Steven Quay blog on same.

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Lvl 1
3y ago
You should check this out. This change my life. I lose weight with just easy steps. (remove space in link) ht tps ://dlupload . com/ Download/file/Zm I5YTQ0ZGYt

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Lvl 2
4y ago

The best way to loose weight should be eating right. I was one of those woman who earned to eat. Ordered food every alternate day and in no time I changed from skinny to chubby to fat, my cholesterol was way beyond borderline.

I needed urgent remedy and that's where Ketogenic diet came to my rescue. I followed it for a month with due diligence to loose my water weight along with fat. In 25 days I lost 8 kgs. I have a very embarrassing picture to show my fattest version :p.

It took lots of courage for me to upload it here as I am very much embarrassed the way I use to live and eat at that time. Please don't be like me. It took lots of hard work and determination to change myself I was addicted to Pizza and fries.

This is how I look now. From 140 lbs to 115 lbs currently. From size large to small, waist 30 to 26.

It took lots of courage for me to upload it here as I am very much embarrassed the way I use to live and eat at that time. Please don't be like me. It took lots of hard work and determination to change myself I was addicted to pizza and fries.

This is how I look now. From 140 lbs to 115 lbs currently. From size large to small, waist 30 to 26.

Keto is basically high fat, low carb and medium protein diet. It shouldn't be called as a diet but lifestyle. Now I don't follow keto, I eat clean food and do workout daily. My weight is constant now. I plan to start keto again. This time along with my friends who were impressed by the results. Ketogenic diet is simple and effective way of loosing those fat around you.

"This is my number recommendation,if you want the best way to lose weight fast and quick,email me and I will send you this free info that worked for 1000's of people around the world trying to lose weight.

1stclassbodykingzzz@gmailDOTcom (ad a . Instead of the DOT)"

Eat healthy fat like ghee, olive oil, avocados or cottage cheese. Ditch white and liquid carbs, eat green veggies and high protien meat like fish, chicken breast or anything that non vegetarians eat I have less ideas as am a vegetarian. Do take your electrolytes specially magnesium and follow 15 mins of simple cardio everyday. You will be surprised by the results.

Edit1# A lot of people are asking for a diet plan, here is mine, anyone can make slight modifications according to their taste buds. I generally took 1000 to 1100 calories according to my BMI. Please calculate yours and plan accordingly. Do not have snacks instead have 3 whole meals.


Early morning- lemon water/ bpc coffee.

Breakfast- 2 egg cheese omelette and 1 strawberry or 100 gm cottage cheese with 50 gms of capsicum or spinach.

Lunch- 100gm paneer or 2 eggs boiled with 5 white mushroom buds/ stir fried okras/ stir fried cauliflower along with 1 or 2 strawberries.

Afternoon- green tea

Dinner- 1 boiled egg, 1 egg white, cucumber raita and few soaked almonds/ cauliflower rice and egg curry.

Before sleeping- apple cider vinegar with water.

I cook everything either in ghee or Olive oil, we can use coconut oil too. The basic idea is to limit my carbs to 15gms ie 5% of my total calories and rest 65% to fats and 30% to protein.

I also followed 12:8 intermittent fasting by third week as I had lost my appetite. It helped me again to loose the last 3 kgs.

For fat- use ghee/ cheese of your choice not low fat but/ coconut oil or Olive oil, avocados, cottage cheese, butter in moderations.

Protien- eggs, fishes, chicken, lamb or pork anything that suites you.

Carbs- green leafy veggies, mushrooms, cabbage, capsicum and in fruits strawberries. For dry fruits use almonds and macademia nuts. Drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated.

Please don't forget to take your doctor's advice and do your own thorough research before starting.

Keto flu is common take your electrolytes and magnesium supplement for that. If you feel bloated in the first week try using psyllium husk. Once you are in ketosis weight loss will be happening very quickly. It normally takes 4 days to a week to reach in the ketosis state. Weigh yourself regularly and measure yourself in inches for motivation.

I did gain 500gms once I stopped keto but it has been stable now. I eat according to my calorie goals and avoid junk foods and sugar. I do have one or two cheat meals in a week but rest of the days its clean simple unprocessed food. I also go to gym 5 days in a week to maintain myself.

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Lvl 1
3y ago
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