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Credit scores are generated by plugging the data from your credit report into software that analyzes it and cranks out a number. The three major credit reporting agencies don't necessarily use the same scoring software, so don't be surprised if you discover that the credit scores they generate for you are different. Click on the link to your right for more information.

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12y ago

Most everybody knows that they have a credit score. Some people may even know what their credit score is. Very few people know how this score is calculated.

There are three major credit agencies – Experian, TransUnion and Equifax – and while the method that each of these agencies uses to calculate their scores remains proprietary we do know several of the factors that go into developing the final number. If you’re looking to improve your credit score, here are the factors that go into making it happen.

Payment History

The biggest factor by far going into your credit score is how well you’re able to pay your bills on time. Keep up to date on all your payments and you’ll be in good shape. Your credit score probably won’t get dinged if a payment or two slips into the grace period but once you’re 30 days past due, you’re at risk. This will account for about 35% of your score.

Debt Load

The amount of debt you currently have outstanding versus your total credit available is your credit utilization. The higher this number is, the lower your credit score will generally be. This will account for about 30% of your score.

Length of Credit History

Someone who has a long history of owning and maintaining credit (whether it’s credit cards, mortgages, student loans, etc.) will generally maintain a higher score than someone who is new to the world of credit. That’s why it’s generally beneficial to keep an old credit card open. It keeps a long credit history easier to find for the credit agencies. This will account for about 15% of your score.

Credit Mix

One of the more minor factors in the credit score is your credit profile. A person who maintains a wide variety of credits looks better to the agencies than someone who only has credit cards, for example. Newly opened credit lines will negatively affect your score (at least in the short term) so it’s not advisable to open new credits just to improve your mix. This will account for about 10% of your score.

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