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You need to renew it or you could have a tough time getting legitimate employment.

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Q: If the green card expired can you go ahead and do citizenship or you have to renew it.?
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Your green card expire Do you have to renew it before you could apply for citizenship?

if you are still here in the states on an expired card you might have to return to your country and talk with the embassy over there to renew goodluck this information is completely wrong, if your permanent resident card AKA green card has expired you will just have problems finding a job. what you can do is renew your card using the I-90 form.

Can you enter the US with an expired green card?

In theory, They are considered out of status or "unlawfully present."However, in practice if you apply to have it renewed which is not a complex process you can show you are having it renewed and would not be deported. Renew the green card, or better,if you satisfy the residency requirements, apply for citizenship.

How do you renew an expired child's oyster card?

If the child has expired, you can't renew its oyster card.

If you will be out of the country when your license is to be renewed how can you do this ahead of time?

You don't have to wait until your license is expired to renew it. You can renew it at any time. Check with your local office of the Department of Transport (or Department of Motor Vehicles).

How many times you can renew your green card's?

Until and unless you want to stay in US with a valid status you need to renew your green card.Once you get your green card you need to renew it every decade to make sure your stay in US is legal. After minimum 5 years as a green card holder in US if you are eligible you should apply for US citizenship. Once you become a US citizen you need not renew green card since only after you submit your green card in return you would get the naturalization certificate as proof of citizenship in US after all procedure and oath taking.

Your permanent residency passport expired 5 months ago if you file for citizenship do you need to renew your passport?

Not for applying for citizenship. But when they check your documents on the test date and the citizenship ceremony, you will need to show them a valid passport. So, it is better to apply for one now.

How many days are required to live in usa to get the green card and on which visa should we live those days and is it important to live those days continuously?

In order to get citizenship into the United States, you must apply with the consulate office. If your visa has expired you may renew it for up to 3 months. There is no guarantee that they will allow you to renew or grant permission to stay. It is determined case by case.

Can you renew an expired license in pa?

Yes, as along as you have an address in the state it expired from

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Can you renew your expired green card and you are married to a US citizen for 12 years now?

Yes, you can and you should. Your green card is the only way to prove that you are a US permanent resident. You are also eligible to apply for US citizenship if you have lived in the US for the past five years.

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Did SS501 get to renew their contract?

there contract has not expired yet