

in what folder are driver files stored?

Updated: 4/2/2020
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In what folder are driver files stored?

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This applies to Windows 7. The files are stored in the 'AppData/Roaming/com.Rhapsody.Napster5/Local Store' folder'. The AppData folder is a hidden folder within your main user folder. To access it, you have to go to Folder options (in the Control Panel or from any opened Windows folder) and unhide all hidden and system files. Within the 'Local Store' folder, is a folder with the same name as your Napster account name (usually your email address). The files are contained within, however they are not easy to access MP3 files which Napster used to use. There are brief sample flv files which which work with the VLC player. The actual songs appear to be stored as 'rienf' files which is some sort of coded file format that does not play with any player. Google, at the time of typing this does not provide any solutions to decoding this rienf file format.