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Q: In what way is a compound light microscope better than an electron microscope?
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What kind what microscopes would be better to see a virus. your options are compound light microscope Transmission Eltron Microscope Scanning Electron Microscope?

electron microscope

What came first electron microscope or light microscope?

compound light microscope - cell theory - electron microscope

What is a microscope in science?

There is a compound light microscope, an scannignn electron microscope, and transmission electron microscope.

What is the difference of a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope?

A light microscope uses visible light to magnify and view specimens, offering lower magnification and resolution compared to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) which uses a focused beam of electrons to image the sample, providing higher magnification and resolution. SEM can produce 3D images of the sample surface while light microscopes typically provide 2D images.

What is the differences between a compound and electron microscope?

The compound microscope is a light microscope that uses light to "see" microbes. Viruses are too small.The electron microscope uses electrons to "see" microbes or viruses.

Which came first the compound light microscope or the electron microscope?

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The type of microscope that focuses beams of electrons on specimens is the?

compound light microscope

What major advantage does a transmission electron microscope have over a compound light microscope?

The Compund light microscope allows people to view living cells. With the electron light microscope peole can only view dead cells but with very high detail. The electron microscope is also much more expensive than a compound ligh microscope. The compound light microscope is also much easier to transport from place to place, as the electron microscope is not.

Different types of microscopes?

there are seven type of microscope.they are (1)Electron microscope (2)compound microscope (3)light microscope (4)scanning electron microscope (5)transmission electron microscope (6)dark field microscope and (7)light field microscope

What kind of microscope is found in most classrooms?

Optical, though to see smaller organelles and structures in higher resolution an electron microscope may be necessary.

How many times larger can an electron microscope magnify more than a light microscope?

That's right, an electron microscope can produce more magnification than a compound light microscope.

What are the Kinds of microscopes and their uses?

There there are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, TEMicroscope, Dissection microscope, etc and most of them are used to see small cells that cannot be seen by the naked eye.