

is helium used in air balloons?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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10y ago

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It can be, but usually not.

Helium is a bit expensive, and it'd cost too much for most balloonists to use it.

It's cheaper to use a hot air balloon.

helium is lighter than air. hence balloons filled will helium will float in air.

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Q: Is helium used in air balloons?
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Helium is a gas used to inflate lighter than air balloons.

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Hydrogen, until the Hindenburg,then everyone realized that "Hey, Hydrogen isn't that safe to use!"Hot air balloons, you mean?? Just air that is hot.Actual hand balloons and such? Helium or again, just air. Helium floats better because it is lighter than the surrounding air around it. Helium and air are still used in both.

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Helium is used in blimps and balloons. It is the second lightest element to hydrogen, which is not used because it is highly flammable.

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Helium is generally used in helium balloons and blimps. Helium is lighter than air and these items will float in air

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Gases used are: air (and hot air), helium.

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Helium is used to inflate balloons because it is lighter than air and that makes the balloon float.

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Helium molecules have a lower molecular weight than air. This is why balloons filled with Helium will float in the air. Apex:element

Helium is used in balloons because it is?

Lighter than air and not hazardous.