

is slippery a property of bases?

Updated: 5/31/2024
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11y ago

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Bases have a common set of properties. In aqueous solutions they fell slippery on your skin. You experience this when you use soap on your hands

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5d ago

Slippery is a common property of bases. When bases dissolve in water, they produce hydroxide ions that can create a slippery or soapy feeling when touched.

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7y ago

No. Texture is a physical property. Slipperiness can be measured or observed without changing its composition.

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11y ago

Yes. It is a property of base.

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Bases are substances that can accept protons, have a pH greater than 7, feel slippery to the touch, and turn red litmus paper blue. They often have a bitter taste and can neutralize acids.

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Acids can conduct electricity, have a sour taste, and bases will neutralize its properties. Bases can conduct electricity, feel slippery, and acids will neutralize its properties.

What do bases feel like?

Bases typically feel slippery or soapy to the touch. This is because they can react with oils and fats on your skin to form soap, which has a slippery texture. Additionally, bases often feel cool when applied to the skin.

What are the property of bases?

Bases taste bitter, feel slippery, can be caustic and turn red litmus paper blue. - Basic solutions have a PH higher than 7 - Aqueous solutions or molten bases dissociate in ions and conduct electricity.

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Do acids feel slippery on the skin?

Some acids can feel slippery on the skin due to their ability to react with oils and fats, creating a soap-like substance. However, this sensation can vary depending on the type and concentration of the acid. It's important to handle acids with caution as they can cause skin irritation or burns.

What do acids and bases feel like?

Acids typically feel like a burning or stinging sensation, while bases feel slippery or soapy. It is important to handle both with caution and avoid direct contact with skin.

What makes bases slippery?

Bases are slippery because they react with oils and fats on the skin to form soaps, which have a slippery texture. This reaction decreases the friction between the surface and one's skin, causing the feeling of slipperiness.

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Characteristics of bases?

taste bitter feels slippery

What does most bases have in them?

They feel slippery and taste bitter

Do bases feel slippery?

Yes, bases can feel slippery because they can react with oils and fats on the skin to form soap, which has a slippery texture. This sensation is often associated with bases that are more alkaline in nature.