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Not everyone has their wisdom teeth removed. If you do have to have your wisdom teeth removed, find a doctor that knows what they are doing and try to get them all removed at the same time. Most doctors will use laughing gas for sedation. Some doctors will put you fully to sleep to remove the wisdom teeth. Recovery is about three to four days with a soft diet.

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Q: Laugh Your Way to Wisdom Teeth Removal?
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Can the removal of wisdom teeth cause gaps between the remaining teeth?

Yes, as the teeth can shift in the bone when the wisdom teeth are no longer there to keep them in place. Yes, but in a minimal way. The gaps that can be mostly noticed are in the back area. Rarely front teeth are affected.

Why do we need to remove wisdom teeth?

There is a need to remove wisdom teeth only if they cause problems or might cause them in the future. There are no proper benefits of removing wisdom teeth if there are no issues. Removing wisdom teeth without a reason can be painful and may come with side effects. There is a huge percentage of adults in Europe that have not gotten their wisdom teeth removed because there is no need. So the question is when should we get our wisdom teeth removed. Before you plan to get it removed, it is better to answer these few questions: - Have your wisdom teeth caused a problem to the nearby teeth, or do you see an increased risk of that happening? Are the wisdom teeth stopping the other teeth from developing in the right way? Will the wisdom teeth interfere with the dental treatments or any jaw-related treatments you have planned? What risks are associated with wisdom tooth removal surgery? Could the wisdom teeth replace the missing or badly damaged molar? If you have already positioned permanent teeth, the extra molars will force the teeth to move. It causes pain or overcrowding. That means it will get difficult to brush your teeth or floss effectively. Impacted wisdom teeth can affect the sinuses. Wisdom teeth have to be removed if the molar's growth causes pain or congestion. Oral health is very much essential. Therefore, make sure to consult your dentist regularly to prevent any dental issues from occurring. Visit Platinum Dental Care for the best quality dental treatments at affordable prices.

Can wisdom teeth start coming in at age 6?

no possible way

Why is it important to take your wisdom teeth out?

Your wisdom teeth do not necessarily have to be pulled out. Usually, the situation is that the gums are not large enough to accommodate all of your teeth, including the wisdom ones, hence they have to be removed to prevent crowding, which can be very painful in some cases. There are a few people whose mouths are large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, so they don't have to be pulled out.

How many teeth do you count back to find your wisdom tooth?

its all the way in the back

Why do people get their wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth get pulled out to prevent pain and discomfort. If the wisdom teeth don't have enough room in the back of your mouth and they grow in they will push your existing teeth out of the way and cause them to be mashed together. They can also grow in sideways, this is known as being 'impacted'. Sores can grow on your gums and become infected, leading to major problems down the road.

Should you remove your teeth four at a time?

Yes, you can have four teeth removed at once. Wisdom teeth are done this way to quicken the recovery time of doing two, then two again.

Can you still get Invisalign if you have your wisdom teeth?

mostly invisalign needs all of the teeth to work,but if your dentist or orthodontist is very experienced in doing invisalign they can do extraction cases but it all depends on where your tooth is missing from

How in the world can you cure numbness after getting wisdom teeth pulled out?

I find the fastest way is just to sleep it off.

What is the cost for 4 wisdom teeth extracted?

I just recently had my wisdom teeth out and it cost about $250 a tooth. Don't let cost get in the way of getting them out if possible. I was told to get my wisdom teeth out about five years ago and since I waited so long my wisdom teeth pushed up against the molars they were next to and damaged them so they had to be removed as well. I was also getting infections in them. For me, the initial price (For just the wisdom teeth) was $2300. That's everything the anesthesia, removal, etc. Fortunately my oral surgeon told me to ask the receptionists if there was any kind of payment plan or anyway I could knock the price down a bit. They were able to lower the price to $2237, which was even lower than the inital price for just the wisdom teeth alone! Make sure that when you go to have your teeth removed you ask about a payment plan. Most people go into the health-care field to help people.

You are 30 and have had 3 wisdom teeth out will the other one stay dormant if it has not come through already?

No way to tell, teeth behaviour isn't always possible to predict.

Including wisdom teeth how many teeth does a normal adult have?

Well, you really have two but you can also tell if you have grown them later on in your life. And, there way at the back of your mouth.