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It's still a bit nippy out there, but the snowbells and crocuses are peeking their little heads out of the ground and the birds are beginning to return. Yes, spring has sprung and it's time to get out there and do a little early spring lawn maintenance that will get your lawn the head start it needs to look lush and beautiful all spring and summer. The following lawn care tips for early spring will help make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.

Rake your Lawn

Raking the lawn in early spring accomplishes several tasks. First, it removes any leaves that fell after the fall raking. Secondly, raking in the early spring will remove thatch. Thatch is a layer of dead grass that accumulates just above the surface of the soil. If the thatch is not removed, this layer of dead grass will block water and nutrients from reaching your lawn's roots. Finally, raking in the early spring will remove matted patches of grass caused by snow mold. If these patches are not removed, newly planted grass will have trouble breaking through these patches.

Aerate the Lawn

If your lawn is subjected to heavy traffic (most suburban lawns are), the soil is likely to become compacted over time. Compaction causes excessive water and nutrient runoff, which is bad news for your lawn as well as the groundwater supply. The good news is that aerating the lawn is an easy solution to this problem and will help get water and fertilizer down into the roots of your lawn where it belongs and out of the groundwater supply where it doesn't.

The process of aerating the lawn involves poking holes in the soil and removing plugs of soil from the ground. This can be done with a simple push aerator or a tow-behind core aerator that can be pulled behind a riding mower. Core aerators are commonly available at local rental centers.

Check the Soil pH and Apply Lime if Needed

If you see moss plants growing in the soil in early spring, it's a sign that you have acid soil. Lawns prefer a neutral pH, so you will want to remedy this situation. However, don't just blindly spread lime without knowing how much you will need as this may cause the soil to become too alkaline, which is not good for the lawn either. Instead, before applying lime, take the time to take a soil sample to your local county agricultural extension office. The agricultural extension agent will analyze the soil and advise you as to how much lime should be spread per square foot of lawn.

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Typically lawn care products will come with tips on the back of the package. If you are buying products at a discoutn store or in bulk, they may not. You can visit the manufacturer's website for additional tips.

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The tips will depend on the type of lawn and grass you have. They vary depending on the climate. You can find general information at You can also try

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Is there a website that will allow me to print off lawn care tips to keeping my grass green?

Yes there are many websites with tips and information about lawn care.The best website is and they offer tips as well as specific problem solving with your grass. There are several gardening and lawncare sites. Notably there are sites operated by the major providers of lawncare products like which provides information on lawn care while also promoting their own products. is a large site which contains widescale information on all topics involved in lawn care. Yes, the website where you can find lawn care tips is . Once you find the tips you need, you can print them out and use them as often as you'd like.

Is there a website with regional lawn watering tips?

Lawn watering tips can be found both online and in magazines such as Natural Life Magazine. Local lawn watering tips are available through local gardening and landscaping companies.

Would the owner of a lawn and garden store be able to give you good lawn care tips?

The owner of a lawn and garden store should be able to offer some good lawn care tips. However, their advice may also be aimed at encouraging you to purchase their products, so seeking advice elsewhere is also recommended.

Where can I find more information on complete lawn care ?

If you need information on lawn care you can head over to a great site at In this site they'll give you many tips on how to keep your lawn looking fresh.

What are some tips for lawn care?

Several things can be done to make a beautiful, healthy lawn. They include fertilization, watering, weeding and proper mowing.

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Some lawn care tips for growing grass in a grassless area include not walking in the area and watering a lot. It will be green in no time. Plant Flowers XD weed and water and SUN. homieeeee

Where can one find more information about seeding?

The term "seeding" can mean any number of things, but perhaps the most common usage is with seeding a lawn. Local lawn care providers can provide tips and tools for seeding your lawn.

Do you have any lawn care tips?

The first and foremost thing in keeping a lawn nice is water. If the lawn does not get enough water, it will dry out and turn brown. Keep the lawn trimmed, and make sure it gets plenty of water, especially if it is getting hit directly by the sun with no shade.