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Plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammation of the bottom of the foot between the heel and the arch in the area known as the plantar fascia. The problem occurs when the area is overused or stretched too much. The pain can become intense and make even walking a painful exercise.

There are several conditions that can raise the risk for plantar fasciitis. These can include genetic issues with the anatomy of the foot, such as flat feet or abnormally high arches. Being over-weight or suffering a sudden weight gain can put extra strain on the foot and create plantar fasciitis. A lot of walking in ill-fitting shoes or shoes with inadequate arch support can also lead to the condition.

One of the most common groups of people to suffer from plantar fasciitis are runners, particularly long distance runners. Running over long distances, particularly if the surface is uneven can aggravate the condition. Running down hill, especially too fast can put an extra strain on the arch of the foot and cause plantar fasciitis.

Besides soon after running, plantar fasciitis causes the most pain first thing in the morning on rising from bed. The first few steps after getting up can feel like walking on fire. Slowly stretching and gently placing your weight on your feet when you arise can mitigate the pain to a certain degree.

Like with any other muscle pain, an anti-inflammatory can help with the pain. Frequent application of ice to the area can relieve the swelling as well. A frozen juice can is particularly well suited to treat the area. It should go without saying, but avoiding any physical activity that aggravates the activity, such as running, should be curtailed while the condition exists.

Once the pain has subsided, a visit to an orthopedic specialist is well advised. You may need to be fitted with specially fitted shoes or inserts, called orthotics. You may need to just buy shoes with better arch support, or get over the counter shoe inserts. Return to exercise slowly and with caution to prevent the return of plantar fasciitis.

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What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. Some symptoms are you feel pain in your foot when you take your first steps from getting out of bed or having been sitting for a while. The pain could get worse throughout the day, even if taking a few more steps helps at first to lessen the pain. Walking up stairs or standing in one place for a long time will definitely make the condition worse. If this sounds like what you are experiencing, y you should probably get to the doctors.

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This sounds like Plantar fasciitis, but you wil need to see a doctor of chiropractic or a doctor of podiatry to get an accurate diagnosis.

Do you like plantar fasciitis exercises?

Hi, WalkFit orthotics are in fact designed to heal plantar fasciitis problems. So definitely try them out, they seem to be quite popular. They cost only $19.95 + s/h and you get 30 day money back guarantee. A couple of useful links:

What can a podiatrist do for plantar fasciitis?

The primary goals in the management of plantar fasciitis are to 1) reduce the inflammation, 2) protect the plantar fascia from further trauma, and 3) stretch and strengthen the ankle, foot and calf muscles. A podiatrist can help you with all of this. For a complete guide please check out

How do you get rid of plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis can be cured by using special orthotics. These are insoles or inserts which you put inside your shoe as a support for your feet. By using them, it helps distribute the weight of your body evenly across your feet, reducing the pressure on your heels. This helps relieve the pain. When used over time, these orthotics for plantar fasciitis also help structure your feet properly to treat this condition. Some good brands of insoles are Powerstep and Pedag, which are both well recognised by podiatrists around the world. Plantar fasciitis is curable as long as you practice good foot care.

Why does your foot hurt so much you limp and it feels like someone is stabbing it?

You must see your medical care professionals right away for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. One possibility is plantar fasciitis [fay she EYE tis]. It has nothing to do with plantar warts or with heal spurs. Plantar fasciitis is the overstretching or overuse of the layer of tissue under the heal. The pain is worst when first getting out of bed, or after sitting or standing for long periods. There are other possible causes of foot pain, and many different treatments available. I had a series of acupuncture treatments for plantar fasciitis a few years ago, and I was delighted with the results. The acupuncture was mildly uncomfortable, but very effective.

What walking shoe should you wear with plantar fasciitis?

A friend of mine reccommended using the NEW BALANCE M1122 sneakers to help with my plantar fasciitis (which I have on BOTH feet). They were expensive - US$ 120.00, which is MUCH more $ than I ever thought I would ever pay for a pair of sneakers ! But I must admit, that there is a HUGE difference when I wear these NB 1122's rather than any other traditional sneaker I have tried. I lace up them up rather tightly, and go out for my usual 3 - 4 mile workout. Even with this short a distance my plantar ligament used to hurt so much that walking that night and the next day was VERY painful. Now, since I have been wearing the NB 1122's, the pain afterwards has been reduced about 75 % ! They work MUCH better than the bulky gel pack orthotic pads that an Orthopedist rescribed for me. I would strongly reccommend these NB 1122 shoes to anyone who has "chronic" plantar fasciitis like I do - well worth the $ investment ED

Minimalist Running with Plantar Fasciitis?

There has been a huge rise in the amount of interest people are showing over supposed "barefoot" running. This running style is often meant to mimic the running style of a person without any shoes on, and is more appropriately termed "minimalist" running when low-drop shoes are used. Many people believe that minimalist running is the cure to a number of different running injuries they used to have, and there is a lot of science behind that claim.One question that is always asked in the minimalist running community is whether it's possible or safe for people with plantar fasciitis to take up minimalist running. After all, the lack of arch support can sometimes be an issue with regular running, so why would it not also be an issue with minimalist running? While there are a number of different stances on this, the general accepted scientific logic about minimalist running with plantar fasciitis is that it isn't just safe, but it can actually be good for your feet. In the very least, it can give you a level of foot strength that you wouldn't otherwise enjoy. There are a number of reasons for this, but a couple stand out above the others.Basically, plantar fasciitis is known as being "flat footed." People with this condition have no arch, and are therefore more prone to things like knee and foot pain when using regular shoes that have no arch support. However, there are studies that have shown the possibility of plantar fasciitis reversal in people that engage in minimalist or barefoot running. This is due primarily to the fact that this style of running engages the tendon in such a way as to make it more taut, which is what creates that distinctive arch in the feet of people without plantar fasciitis.If you decide to try out minimalist running as a possible cure for your plantar fasciitis, it's important that you take it very slow and do a lot of research. Trying to run the same distances in minimalist shoes that you can in "traditional" shoes is almost guaranteed to lead to big injuries-- so take it slow.

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My heel huts and ow shoots fir pain up through my arch when standing to long at work without a break. What should I do? Sounds like it may be a condition called Plantar Fasciitis. Special inserts for your shoes may help; but, talk to your doctor, because this is a medical condition!

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Plenty of walking. When I started out I kept track of my heart rate (Watch w/chest strap) while on the treadmill or outside walking. At first I was out of breath at a 95 average for 5 minutes. After 2 years I could get up in the 130s without having to stop. Even clocked in a 145 once while mowing the lawn. But came down with plantar fasciitis couldn't exercise for 6 months. Everything I had gained was lost, and now I'm starting all over again. And it is harder this time. After I first started, I started competing with myself to get better. After a while the treadmill became almost addictive. Though I still like walking outside. I could even ride a bicycle. I added this in the evenings.Inhaled bronchodilators and corticosteroids may be helpful.