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Cough variant Asthma (CVA) is a type of asthma that is distinctly different from standard forms of the disease. Individuals with CVA have a dry cough that lasts for several months. Unlike other forms of asthma, CVA sufferers do not have any other traditional asthma symptoms. Patients with CVA have been found to have different biological reactions to certain tests than other asthmatic individuals.

The exact cause of CVA is not known and the mechanisms in the body that cause the coughing are not clear. CVA is distinguished from other types of coughs because it must last for several months. There are a number of tests that can be used to measure the constriction of the airways as a person breathes. Tests like a methacholine challenge allow a doctor to monitor the performance of the lungs as oxygen is moved into and out of the body. Patients who have CVA tend to exhibit a much more sensitive reaction to triggers that can cause a person to cough.

The treatment for CVA is almost identical to other traditional asthma treatments. Rescue inhalers and nebulizers are usually the first methods that are used to treat the problem. Bronchodilators are administered when symptoms occur. This causes the airways to relax. CVA patients most often see a reduction in the frequency and intensity of the dry coughs after a few weeks of treatment. Certain patients have difficulty using inhalers, however, because of an over sensitivity to the aerosols that are used. These patients can be prescribed oral steroids until inhaled medications can be tolerated.

Part of the treatment of CVA involves the management of the factors that can cause a coughing episode to start. Many patients have a strong response to cold air and allergy causing substances like pollen. Exercise can trigger a coughing episode as well. Each person who has CVA must become aware of the factors that start a coughing attack. With proper medication, avoidance of damaging respiratory habits like smoking and careful daily management of the environment a person with CVA can lead a relatively normal life.

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Get to Know Cough Variant Asthma?

Most asthma sufferers do not discover that there are different variants of asthma until their first attack. Cough variant asthma affects a small percentage of asthma sufferers. Often sufferers cough persistently for some time before they are properly diagnosed. Knowing the symptoms, cause and diagnosis of cough variant asthma helps patients to get diagnosed more quickly.SymptomsCough variant asthma does not present like other types of asthma. The primary symptom of cough variant asthma is a persistent dry cough which does not produce any phlegm or mucus. To be persistent, the cough must last for longer than six weeks. Attacks may occur during the day or during the night. Attacks are most commonly triggered by exercise, allergens or other common triggers for asthma. Often, sufferers with this type of asthma show none of the classic asthma symptoms that include wheezing or difficulty breathing.CauseCough variant asthma sufferers have a more sensitive cough reflex. However, the cause for these or other asthma symptoms remains unknown.Cough variant asthma often develops after triggers like prolonged exposure to cold air, allergens or an upper respiratory infection.Certain prescribed drugs like beta-blockers may bring on cough variant asthma symptoms. Certain over-the-counter drugs like aspirin may also trigger symptoms.DiagnosisCough variant asthma is difficult to diagnose as sufferers do not present normal asthma symptoms. The persistent cough associated with this type of asthma is often confused with bronchitis or other infections that produce dry coughs.The methacoline challenge test will positively identify cough variant asthma. However, this test is only performed by specialists. And the test only points to asthma once at least 20 percent of lung function is lost.More often, physicians prescribe asthma medication. If the symptoms subside, cough variant asthma is then positively diagnosed.Once properly diagnosed and treated with the proper asthma medication, the symptoms of cough variant asthma clear up in six to eight weeks. With proper management and education, cough variant asthma is a manageable disease. Those with a persistent, dry cough should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to identify cough variant asthma as the cause or to rule out other, more serious causes of persistent dry coughs in patients.

What to do if one is suffering from cough variant asthma but does not have bonchodilator in hand?

go to the hospital

Difference between asthma and whooping cough?

i have a constant cough, the drs said i have asthma, but i wonder i f i really do

What is the term Asthma Unspecified Does it mean that a person has asthma?

== == == == Allergies and Asthma: A Common Type of Asthma Allergies and asthma often go hand-in-hand. Allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) is inflammation of the inside lining of the nose and is the single most common chronic allergic disease experienced by people. In those with allergic rhinitis, increased sensitivity (allergy) to a substance causes your body's immune cells to release histamines in response to contact with the allergens. Histamines along with other chemicals lead to allergy symptoms. The most common allergens enter the body through the airway. With allergic rhinitis, you may feel a constant runny nose, ongoing sneezing, swollen nasal passages, excess mucus, weepy eyes, and a scratchy throat. A cough may result from the constant postnasal drip. Many times asthma symptoms are triggered by allergic rhinitis. Your doctor may prescribe medications to control the allergies and, in doing so, the cough and other asthma symptoms may subside. Exercise-Induced Asthma Exercise-induced asthma is a type of asthma triggered exercise or physical exertion. Many people with asthma experience some degree of symptoms with exercise. However, there are many people without asthma, including Olympic athletes, who develop symptoms only during exercise. With exercise-induced asthma, airway narrowing peaks five to 20 minutes after exercise begins, making it difficult to catch your breath. You may have symptoms of an asthma attack with wheezing and coughing. Your doctor can instruct you if you need to pre-medicate with asthma inhalers (bronchodilators) before exercise to prevent these uncomfortable asthma symptoms. Cough-Variant Asthma In the type of asthma called cough-variant asthma, severe coughing with asthma is the predominant symptom. There can be other causes of cough such as postnasal drip, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD or heartburn). Coughing because of sinusitis with asthma is common. Asthma is a serious cause of cough that is common today. Cough-variant asthma is vastly underdiagnosed and undertreated. Asthma triggers for cough-variant asthma are usually respiratory infections and exercise. For any persistent cough, contact your doctor. Your doctor may order specific asthma tests, such as pulmonary function tests, to show how well your lungs function. You might need to see a lung specialist for further tests before an asthma diagnosis is made. (Source: : ----Asthma Unspecified means that the person has two or more of these types of Asthma or their symptoms do not fit into any of the categories above to describe their type of Asthma. Also what that means is there haven't been enough people with these types of symptoms to make a category for them yet, not that the symptoms are any worse or better than the other types.

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What is a sentence with Chronic in it?

Asthma can cause a chronic cough.

What are the most usual asthma symptoms in children?

Many children cough a lot if they have asthma and they have attacks sometimes.

What is the difference between astha and the whooping cough?

Asthma is a disease in itself where a whooping cough can be one of the symptoms of asthma but isn't considered a disease. It could also be a sign of a common cold.

Can toprol cause you to cough?

Yes. This drug can cause you to cough. This is contraindicated in asthma. It can cause bronchospasm in some individuals.

Windows open at night make you cough?

If you have mild asthma and hayfever like me, then yes

Can you tell me something about asthma symptoms?

Shortness of breath, wheezing, and a persistent cough are just some of the symptoms of asthma in adults. Often tightness in the chest is another indication of asthma.