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Many people worry at some time in their life that they have a serious condition like cancer, and thankfully more often than not such concerns prove to be unfounded. However, if you have noticed unusual signs of symptoms in your mouth recently or if you have risk factors for oral cancer, you do want to be aware of what some of the mouth cancer signs are.

First, before you explore mouth cancer signs, you should know that some people are at a greater risk for develop this type of cancer. People who are at a higher risk and who should be more vigilant in observing their mouth for mouth cancer signs are those who use tobacco products, those who drink alcohol, those who are exposed to the sun regularly for extended periods of time, and those who have a history of cancers of the head or neck. You do not have to have any of these risk factors to develop mouth cancer, but these factors can contribute to you developing the condition.

Most early mouth cancer signs are visible on the tongue or on the interior of the mouth such as on the gum line or the inside of the cheeks. Signs to look for include patches or spots that are white, red, pink, or a mixture of these colors; loose teeth; gums that bleed regularly; mouth sores that don't heal; an earache; a lump in the neck; and pain or difficulty when swallowing.

You should be aware that while oral cancer most often starts on the surface of the mouth and show visible mouth cancer signs,, it often does quickly spread into the lymp nodes. When cancer spreads into the lymph nodes, it becomes a more serious concern as it can easily spread to other areas of the body like the lungs, brain, blood, and more. Because of the ease and speed with which it may spread throughout your body, you will want to be vigilant for signs of mouth cancer and contact your doctor immediately if you do notice signs. Early detection and early treatment or critical with this type of cancer.

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Q: Mouth Cancer Signs: What to Look For?
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What are the signs of mouth cancer?

A lot of the signs of mouth cancer are visible, easily seen. Some of the most common symptoms are dental problems and not being able to heal well. Your mouth may be prone to bleeding heavily as well. Other symptoms include swelling in the mouth as well as the feeling of bad taste in your mouth. If you have any of the following contact your dentist to make sure that it isn't an infection first. If it is clear of a dental infection the next step would be to contact an ears, nose, and throat specialist. They will be able to run some tests to confirm your feelings.

Possible Signs of Having Mouth Cancer?

The signs of mouth cancer can often be misread as other ailments such as cold sores, canker sores, and other mouth irritations. The difference between the benign signs and the malignant signs is that the sores won't go away and will get worse. There is an average of 35,000 people or more diagnosed with mouth cancer in the United States each year. This cancer attacks men twice as often as women. The main risk factor is smoking. This risk factor also includes using chewing tobacco or snuff which can cause cancer in the gums, cheek and the lining of the lips. Alcohol also may play a part in the development of mouth cancer, especially excessive consumption. Too much exposure to the sun at a young age can be a factor as well as a family history of any type of cancer, especially mouth cancer. Even with these risk factors in mind, there are over 25% of these cancers happening to those who only use alcohol socially and never have smoked. Common signs of having mouth cancer are many. Bleeding in the mouth with an unknown cause is one sign. Any types of swellings, lumps, bumps or crusty rough spots on the gums, lips or anywhere inside the mouth should be checked. Red, white or speckled patched that have developed in the mouth could be a symptom. Numbness or tenderness of the mouth or even neck and face could be signs of mouth cancer. Even changes in the way dentures or teeth fit together could point to the cancer. The occurrence of ear pain and a dramatic loss of weight could be a sign of cancer. Severe, unexplained weight loss should always be checked since that is a sign of many types of cancer and not just mouth cancer. Anytime any of these signs do not disappear or heal, the dentist or physician should be contacted for an exam. A dentist will always feel inside the mouth as a part of a regular dental check-up. He will check for lumps, sores or any tissue changes in the mouth as well as the neck, head and face. An early diagnosis is best to have treatment that can lead to a remission.

How are some ways to get mouth cancer?

There are many ways to get mouth cancer, but the most common way is by smoking or using smoking tobacco. Look at WebMD for symptoms.

When checking for signs of life you would look for what?

Checking the signs of life, what would you look for is:1. Look to see if the chest is rising and falling2. Listen for breaths from the mouth and nose3. Feel on your cheeks respiration's from the mouth and noseIf these are absent, there are no signs of life; check them for 10 seconds and if absent, immediately start CPR.

When checking for signs of life you would look for?

Checking the signs of life, what would you look for is:1. Look to see if the chest is rising and falling2. Listen for breaths from the mouth and nose3. Feel on your cheeks respiration's from the mouth and noseIf these are absent, there are no signs of life; check them for 10 seconds and if absent, immediately start CPR.

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Generally speaking one will spot signs of skin cancer in its very early stages if that person is regularly checking their bodies thoroughly and knows what to look for.

What are the early signs of oral cancer ?

A few early signs of oral cancer are sores in the mouth, they are usually white or red dots that have a velvety feel to them. You may experience other symptoms as well; such as, weight loss, ear infections, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing.

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Is cancer a illness?

Cancer is a disease. There are many forms of cancer.

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Unusual bleeding and pain in the pelvis are early signs of cervical cancer. You should see the doctor as soon as you experience these symptoms. for more info look at

Is there such thing as mouth cancer?

The biggest sign of mouth cancer is unexplained swelling, bumps, rough spots or ulcers in one's lips, gums or other areas within the mouth. Speckled patches, bleeding and numbness are also good signs.