

Pin a Rose on Your Nose?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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Wearing a pin or a brooch isn’t just for Grandma anymore. Making a fashion statement with jewelry can be a fun and creative experience. Taking the old fashioned approach to wearing a pin or brooch, by simply tacking it a shoulder, could add a new dimension to your look. However, if you would like to add a little more depth to your outfit, try some of the following suggestions.

Turn that heirloom brooch into another type of jewelry without altering or damaging the brooch. Do you prefer to wear necklaces rather than a brooch? Invest in a dainty, yet sturdy, chain and slide the brooch or pin on like a necklace. This will draw attention to the same region of your outfit, while giving it a completely different look. Often times a brooch can be lost in the fabric of a shirt or dress, if worn on the shoulder. However, wearing the brooch as a necklace draws more attention directly to the piece.

Another way to add new dimension to your look with a pin or brooch is to make one yourself. Many craft stores have a wide selection of beads or charms that could easily be fashioned into a pin or brooch. Often times making one yourself will save your pocketbook and allow you to create the exact piece you want. You could play with length by adding a hanging element to the pin. You could even give an older piece of broken jewelry a new life by turning it into a brooch. Are you notorious for losing an earring? Instead of letting it sit in the back of your jewelry box, use the one you have left to create a personal piece of jewelry.

Have a great new bag that you would like to enhance? Placing a pin on it will add another look and often highlights its design. If your bag is leather, affix a scarf around the handle and then pin the brooch on the scarf so you don’t damage the bag. The scarf also accentuates the brooch and pulls out its different colors. The point is to play with your jewelry and create a way to display them that is fun for you. After all, the point of jewelry is to accentuate your fine features.

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Full House ... lols Stephanie Tanner used to say it ... Boy was she cute ... I don't know where it comes from, but it definitely wasn't the '90s show "Full House". "Full House" may have made it famous, but my mother was using that expression back in the '70s. The original expression was "Pin a rose on your nose and watch it grow."

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