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pliable is easy to blend something

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Q: Pliable is something that can bend easy?
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Not stiff and easy to bend?

A word used to describe something as 'not stiff' and 'easy to bend' is the adjective pliable.Synonyms for the adjective 'pliable' are:flexiblepliantsupplemalleable

Is bronze easy to bend?

It is hard and brittle

What are some synonyms for the term 'pliable'?

The word pliable is defined to mean something that is flexible or bent with ease. Some synonyms of the word "pliable" include flexible, supple and limber.

What is a synonym of docile?

Easy going Meek Obedient Pliable Gentle

What food would be hard to eat with chopstick?

something solid but anything that can bend and is soft are easy to eat with chopsticks

Why do cans crush?

Aluminum is the flexible and pliable material most cans are made from, making them easy to crush.

Is nickel an easy to bend metal?

no it is not

What not stiff and easy to bend?


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What is the definition of pliable?

The pliant bamboo bends with the wind during the storm but still stands upright once the storm is gone.

What are the pros and cons of plastic pallets compared to wooden ones?

Plastic pallets are more pliable and easy to clean and reuse. Wooden pallets tend to be less pliable, and are prone to typiacal wood breakdown/rotting with time.

Why are metals easy to bend?

because they have the characteristic that they are malliable