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Potty training is one of the most important aspects of dog ownership. Unfortunately, it might also be one of the hardest. In order to raise an obedient, potty-trained dog, you must begin potty training as soon as you welcome a new puppy into your home.

To begin potty training, keep your puppy on a regular schedule. Your puppy should eat, go to sleep, and wake up around the same time each day. As soon as you get up in the morning, take your puppy outside. Puppies should also be taken outside 20 to 30 minutes after eating. The more potty breaks you can give your puppy the better. In the beginning, aim to take your puppy out once an hour.

To protect your carpets from accidents, keep your puppy confined when you are not around. If you decide not to crate train your dog, keep him in the kitchen or laundry room. Make sure to take him outside before leaving the house and as soon as you come home. Once your puppy knows not to potty indoors, you can begin giving him more freedom.

How to Get Your Puppy to Potty Outside

At first, getting your puppy to potty outside might be difficult. To help your puppy understand what you want, tell him to "go potty" every time you take him outside. Give your puppy about 10 minutes to find a good spot and go to the bathroom. If your puppy doesn't go, take him inside and put him in confinement for 10 or 15 minutes. Once timeout is over, take your dog back outside. While it may take a few days, most puppies do eventually get the idea.

Every time your puppy does go to the bathroom, shower him with praise and give him a treat. Puppies respond very well to positive reinforcement. Praising good behavior lets your puppy know exactly what you want him to do.

During potty training, it's important to remember that every puppy has accidents. Potty training is a process that can take weeks to perfect. If your puppy does have an accident, refrain from yelling or physically punishing him. Hitting your puppy will teach him to fear you; it will not teach him to stop having accidents inside the house. If you witness your puppy having an accident, immediately ignore him or place him in timeout. After ignoring the behavior, resume your potty training schedule and use positive reinforcement to achieve your goal.

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