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Acne scars can be a source of constant embarrassment for countless people worldwide. Many people feel that the presence of these scars inhibits their social aptitude and damages their self esteem. However, it is quite easy to receive acne scar treatment; one must simply visit his or her dermatologist to determine what type of acne scar treatment suits them best. Because acne scar treatment is usually not covered by health insurance, this treatment can be costly (between one thousand and six thousand dollars per treatment), but many people feel that the prospect of clear, unmarred skin is well worth the price that one has to pay.

There are numerous over-the-counter creams and gels that claim they can remove acne scars. These remedies do work to some extent-- they can help return skin to its normal shade and slightly raise or lower some scars. However, for acne scars to be completely removed, professional acne scar treatment must be sought. A dermatologists can assess one’s acne scars to determine the proper treatment method.

The type of acne scar treatment that one receives depends on the type of scars that one has. There are sharp depression scars, boxed depression scars, rounded depression scars, and rounded raised scars. All depressed scars can be treated using laser related techniques. These scars also benefit from dermabrasion, where the dermatologist uses a high speed brush or wire wheel to spin away the skin on the scar and surrounding it. Raised acne scars are oftentimes treated using steroid or cytotoxic injections. Cryosurgery is also used, in which the dermatologist essentially freezes off the skin on the scar using extremely cold liquid nitrogen. Most people have numerous different types of acne scars, so one may require several different types of treatments. Many of these acne scar removal remedies require multiple treatment sessions.

Unfortunately, some people are simply doomed by genetics to retain unattractive acne scars. However, if one feels that these scars are in any way interfering with his or her life, a professional acne scar treatment can help to remedy the problem. An acne scar treatment can help boost one’s self esteem and improve one’s quality of life.

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