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Q: Should be in the corner on the shoe part?
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the corner of any building The corner of a shoe box, a brick, a square item

What is a lace part of?

A lace is part of a shoe.

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I think it is in my shoe, which is up ur butt around the corner

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What is the top of a shoe called?

The top part of a shoe is called the upper

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My pony has lost a shoe what should I do?

i think you should get a new shoe, go to a blacksmith.

What part of speech is corner in the sentence- around the corner was her mom?

Corner is a noun in the sentence "Around the corner was her mom."

What is a pointe shoe vamp?

The vamp is the part on a pointe shoe, which can be altered depending on the length of a girl's toes. The vamp is the front part of the shoe. To be more visual, if you were standing on a pointe shoe, the front of your foot/toes would be touching it.

How can I predict what your shoe size I will be?

You should ask a shoe person. Or see what shoe you can fit;) that worked for me!!

What style shoe should I wear with a dress that is floor length?

You should wear a shoe with a heel. Also consider the fabric of the gown when choosing the shoe.