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Two sleep disorders that can wreak havoc on your quality of sleep are sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. With sleep apnea, you may actually stop breathing for a few seconds during times of deep sleep, so see your doctor if you suspect it. Restless leg syndrome is where you are unable to stop moving your legs during sleep, even when you are not fully aware of doing it. Increasing iron in your diet may help.

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A mattress that will aid in restless sleep: Trust me on this.

ht tps://yazi m/ deals/dreamcl oudsleep /LaTaya

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What can you do about a spouse who disturbs your sleep with restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder but claims he'll divorce you if you sleep away from him in a different bed?

Take your spouse to get it checked out. He may have restless leg syndrome or possibly sleep apnea . Both can be medically treated.

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it could be restless leg syndrome

How dangerous is the restless leg syndrome?

Restless leg syndrom is very dangerous. It will cause lack of sleep, which left untreated, can cause sleep deprivation. Now, more knowledge about restless leg syndrom has been discovered, so many people can sleep.

What is the most common sleep disorder which involves insufficient amounts of sleep?

The most common sleep disorders besides insomnia are sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome (RLS) and narcolepsy. Sleep tests will evaluate and diagnose your sleep patterns, breathing, snoring, heart rhythm, blood oxygen levels and leg movements. According to the sleep center, NJ, it is estimated that about 20 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, and many are not even aware of it.

Why does an adult bounce to go to sleep and cannot sleep at night?

Could be Restless Leg Syndrome (or too much coffee!)

What does it mean when your Leg twitches before you go into a deep sleep?

restless leg syndrome, or can be the side effect of taking pain meds

Are there any known drugs to treat restless leg syndrome?

klonopin is used to treat restless leg syndrome

What is Restless Leg Syndrome's medical name?

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is also known in the medical community as Ekbom Syndrome and Wittmaack-Ekbom Syndrome. Anxietas Tiblarum and Anxietas Tibialis are also medical names for Restless Leg Syndrome.

Is restless leg dominant or recessive?

is restless leg syndrome dominant or recessive

Is there a medical term for uncomfortable legs while trying to sleep besides restless legs?

Yes. It is called, Restless Leg Syndrome AKA RLS

What are Acupressure points for Restless legs syndrome?

what are the acupressure points for restless leg syndrome

What are some common sleep disorders?

There are many types of sleeping disorders. You'll be surprised to know that some of them are still a mystery to doctors and being researched upon. The more common ones are : 1. Restless Leg Syndrome - where there is an urge to move the limbs continuously, often in an uncontrollable manner 2. Periodic Limb movement - an involuntary rhythmic movement of the limbs that happens at random 3. Insomnia - inability to sleep for any fair length of time 4. Sleep Apneas - A gasping for air, chocking, loud snoring or never getting a refreshing sleep 5. Night eating syndrome - characterized by frequent night waking in which the patient is unable to fall back to sleep unless he/she eats something. 6. Narcolepsy - Uncontrollable urge to fall asleep unexpectedly in the middle of an activity or conversation. If you are having trouble sleeping or sleeping and finding that you do not feel refreshed when you awake, consider seeking help from a professional.