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Sleep apnea is tough to diagnose on one's own, so a sleep partner or other observer should look for symptoms. The most common symptoms are loud, chronic snoring, choking, snorting and gasping during sleep and brief and frequent cessation of breathing. Sufferers also experience extreme sleepiness during the day, no matter how long they sleep at night. Other symptoms include waking with a dry mouth or sore throat, morning headaches and frequent nighttime awakenings.

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Q: Sleep Apnea Symptoms Difficult to Diagnose by Oneself?
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Your neck measures 14.5 do you have sleep apnea?

It is impossible for even a doctor to diagnose sleep apnea or any other condition through the Internet. Many signs and symptoms can indicate a disease or a condition, but one sign or symptom considered alone can never diagnose any disease or condition. So a neck measurement may--or may not--point to an issue with apnea, but a doctor would need to evaluate many more symptoms and signs other than neck circumference. If indicated, a Sleep Study would be ordered which can show Sleep Apnea in one night's sleep.

What is the purpose of polysmnography?

It can help diagnose sleep apnea, narcolepsy, parasomnias, and seizures.

What are common sleep apnea symptoms?

Common symptoms of sleep apnea can include snoring, feeling unusually tired during the day, a sore throat, dry mouth, and a morning headache. The most prominent symptom of sleep apnea is when breathing stops while sleeping.

What are some of the symptoms of Apnea?

Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea would be waking unrested, coughing while sleeping, snoring, dry throat, small amounts of gasping from stopping breathing for a short time.

Is sleep apnea fatal?

yes i believe they can because apnea is abnormal breathing patterns in your sleep and this can be investigated by a forensics scientist who of which can look at the breathing patterns before you died and can see in your blood irregular patterns of oxygen and almost see if you were either repeatably suffering asphyxiation and after about 1 minute or two have regular breathing then asphyxiation symptoms then back to nothing again and again, the study or test to diagnose this is called polysomnogram and is a study performed while a test subject is unconscious.

Where can you get more information on the cures for sleep apnea and snoring?

Online websites like HelpGuide and MayoClinic offer several different information on sleep apnea and snoring. They give information of symptoms, treatments, and cures of sleep apnea and snoring.

Can you get ssi for sleep apnea?

By itself, this has proved difficult. However, in combination with other conditions and/or diseases, this has been done.

Can you get disability for sleep apnea?

By itself, this has proved difficult. However, in combination with other conditions and/or diseases, this has been done.

How much disability do you get for sleep apnea?

By itself, this has proved difficult. However, in combination with other conditions and/or diseases, this has been done.

Treating Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing multiple times during the night. In addition, sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Treatments for sleep apnea include using a machine known as a CPAP machine, losing weight and sleeping on the side as opposed to sleeping on the back. In addition, oral appliances, which reposition the jaw to facilitate breathing can also help reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. Treating sinus problems can also help improve sleep apnea as can avoiding alcoholic beverages.

Can someone have sleep apnea symptoms only through pregnancy?

Pregnancy brings forth plenty of body and hormonal changes that can cause sleep apnea and other issues that will disappear when the baby is born. Try to observe any other happenings during your pregnancy.

You always feel like you have to yawn or gasp for air?

You could have asthma, sleep apnea, or anxiety--just to name a few. You should see a doctor who can diagnose your condition and help you feel better.