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Bronchial Asthma is a disease of the lungs. Millions of Americans suffer from asthma. It's a chronic disease they live with every day and sometimes worsens in what are called asthma attacks. Most people who have asthma can live normal lives, but asthma is a serious disease that can be life threatening.

What Happens During An Attack?

Asthma happens when some irritant or an allergen affects the lungs. The airways, or bronchial tubes, that allow the lungs to take in air constrict. The cells that line the tubes secrete a very thick and sticky sort of mucous that further clogs the airways. On top of this, the airways swell and make it even harder for a patient having an asthma attack to breathe. The air going in and out of the lungs might make a whistling sound and the patient might cough up the excess mucous.

An asthma attack might be quite mild or severe enough to put the patient's life in danger. The attack might happen all at once or might take days to develop. Asthma attacks often happen at night, or in the early morning.

A mild attack might last only a few minutes. Symptoms of a bronchial asthma attack might be a cough when the patient rests or after they've exercised, the shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. In a very bad asthma attack the patient might have such trouble breathing that they can't talk. Their neck muscles might tighten up and their lips and the beds of their nails might turn blue because of lack of oxygen. The chest might look like it's sunken. This is a medical emergency and the patient needs to be taken an the emergency room.

Doctors now know that asthma attacks come in phases. The first phase of an asthma attack might subside, but changes are still happening in the bronchial tubes that can lead to an even worse attack. The inflammation that remains in the lungs causes the airways to narrow even more than they did during the first phase of the attack. This late phase episode is what causes patients to be hospitalized. The late phase attack makes the lungs even more sensitive to irritants than they had been before.

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Q: Some Information About Bronchial Asthma Symptoms?
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Bronchial Asthma-Symptoms of an Asthma Attack?

In the United States, over 22 million Americans, including young children, suffer from asthma. Also called bronchial asthma, asthma is an inflammatory lung disease that causes chronic attacks that restrict airflow. Bronchial asthma is characterized by a tightening of the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes of asthma sufferers are hyper-responsive, meaning that they are affected by allergens and environmental factors. It is important to control bronchial asthma symptoms with the help of a qualified health care professional.Common SymptomsSymptoms of bronchial asthma involve chronic asthma attacks which include, but are not limited to, coughing and wheezing, shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Bronchial asthma sufferers experience a number of these symptoms during an asthma attack. These symptoms are the result of an inflammation that restricts air flow. Symptoms are most likely to occur in the late night or early morning hours, when exposed to allergens or environmental factors, or after exercise or overexertion. Bronchial asthma sufferers that experience coughs and wheezing often have trouble sleeping at night.Hyper-Responsive AirwayBronchial asthma patients suffer from a hyper-responsive airway. This includes hyper-responsiveness of the bronchioles. The airway begins to restrict and spasm when patients are exposed to a number of environmental factors, such as pollution, cigarette smoke or dust. In many cases, allergies play a role in triggering asthmatic symptoms. Bronchial asthma sufferers are also likely to experience attacks after a cold or respiratory infection, or after exercise, should they become winded.Spasms and InflammationBronchial asthma sufferers experience common asthma symptoms, such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest when their bronchial tree becomes inflamed. This occurs due to a bronchospasm, or muscle spasm of the bronchioles, which tightens the airway, thereby reducing air flow. Bronchial asthma sufferers also experience an increased production of mucus, which clogs passages and blocks the airway.ConsiderationsIn some cases, bronchial asthma is life-threatening. It is important that asthma sufferers seek immediate medical attention. Qualified healthcare professionals offer treatment and symptom management.

Is croup and asthma the same?

No, asthma and bronchial asthma are different. wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath are the symptoms of asthma but when it comes to bronchial asthma there are some other important symptoms you can find that is an asthma attack, mild fever make asthma symptoms worse. You should follow and consider with your local doctor. With that, you may try some home-based natural treatment like "salt therapy" using saltair device, which is available in stores like ""

Can you tell me something about asthma symptoms?

Shortness of breath, wheezing, and a persistent cough are just some of the symptoms of asthma in adults. Often tightness in the chest is another indication of asthma.

What are some of the key signs of asthma?

Some symptoms are: increased night time cough, wheezing, tiredness, restless sleep, worsening allergy symptoms. One can get more information from the webmd website.

What are some of the symptoms of asthma in people?

Some symptoms of asthma are difficulty breathing in situations such as running, exercise, and dusty or dander places. An inhaler may be helpful when this happens.

Which air pollutants can aggravate bronchial asthma in humans and cause fish to suffocate?

Air pollutants which can aggravate bronchial asthma in humans and cause fish to suffocate are ones which are acids formed by nitrogen compounds. Some products which produce these acids during manufacturing are fertilizer, dyes, and drugs.

Asthma Treatment?

Asthma treatment can be performed in a number of different ways. It is preferred that asthma be controlled to limit the need for emergency care. This can be accomplished with nebulizer therapy, inhalers of aerosolized liquid or powder, and oral medications.>Emergency intervention must be done at a hospital by a licensed health professional.Regular visits with a physician is highly recommended to assess the needs of the individual who has the condition.

What are the Symptoms of ailments of respiratory system?

1.colds 2.laryngitis 3.pharyngitis 4.tonsilitis 5.bronchitis 6.bronchial asthma 7.pneumonia 8.tuberculosis 9.emphysema 10.lung cancer

What are some symptoms of asthma?

Common symptoms of asthma include coughing, especially at night, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, pain or pressure. If you experience these symptoms, you may want to consult a doctor.

Is there any homoeopathic remedy for asthma in human being?

Asthma Treatment in Homeopathy Asthma is a condition marked by inflammation and obstruction of the airways or bronchial tubes, which are essential for lungs and breathing function. The severity of the condition and the symptoms experienced by each individual will differ. Follow the links below for more information on asthma symptoms and causes, as well as homeopathy asthma medicine. Symptoms The following are the major symptoms of Asthma in a patient. Shortness of breath and regular wheezing Coughing frequently, particularly at night Problems with sleep that keep you awake at night Chest and lung discomfort The severity of these symptoms varies by individual. Some persons with Asthma may go for lengthy periods of time without displaying any symptoms. While some people have issues sleeping, others have problems exercising or when they are under physical or mental stress. If you notice one or more of the above symptoms, regardless of how minor they are, you should see a doctor right once. Asthma can cause serious respiratory problems and heart attacks, both of which can be fatal. As a result, it's critical that Asthma is managed early on and attacks are minimized. Because most cases of Asthma are caused by genetic or hereditary factors, homeopathy is thought to be an appropriate alternative for long-term relief. Dr. Positive Homeopathy's constitutional treatment for Asthma ensures that both mental and physical elements of the patient's health are examined and the best treatment is recommended. And, during the early stages of Asthma, benefits can be reached far more quickly and with fewer side effects. For more information visit Dr. positive homeopathy #homeopathytreatment #homeopathyclinic #asthma #asthmatreatment

Is asthma an acute disease?

No, asthma is a chronic condition that does not go away. The symptoms are acute and will not always be present in some people.

How Did Asthma First Start?

Asthma is a pulmonary disease caused by an inflammation of the bronchial passageways. The first historical signs of asthma were recorded in the 8th century B.C. by the epic poet Homer. Anthropologists suspect that asthma originated with the human race and that it has existed for as long as we have been alive.First Recorded Signs of AsthmaAsthma was mentioned (or the first symptoms of asthma were recorded) in the epic poem "The Iliad," written by Homer around 800 B.C. The Greek physician Hippocrates (for whom the Hippocratic Oath is named) first defined asthma and the symptoms of asthma in 450 B.C. The word "asthma" is ancient Greek and translates into the phrase "to pant."First Treatments of AsthmaIn 150 B.C., Galen, a famous Greco-Roman physician, made a breakthrough observation in asthma's history. Galen noticed the connection between bronchial obstruction and the symptoms of asthma. And while Galen was on the right track in connecting the symptoms and the bronchial passageways becoming constricted, his treatment was ineffective. Galen thought the best treatment for asthma was a glass of wine mixed with owls' blood.First Medication for AsthmaModern treatment for asthma originates with the invention of the bronchodilator (thank Japanese scientist Jokici Takamine). The bronchodilator is a medication which is inhaled into the lungs and causes the inflamed airways to become less constricted. The most commonly prescribed bronchodilator is Albuterol, which is referred to as an asthmatic's "rescue inhaler."Breakthrough Research for AsthmaIn the days of Homer and Galen, very little was known about asthma and how its symptoms affected the constriction of the airways. Even as recent as the 20th century, asthma was believed to be a psychosomatic condition (many believed the sickness was in the mind of the sufferer and not a genuine physical concern). As a result, asthma was treated as a neurotic condition. Modern medical science now recognizes the delicate balance asthmatic sufferers experience between emotional concerns (anxiety, stress) and how that affects the constriction of their airways.Breakthrough Treatmens for AsthmaOnce physicians were able to understand the relationship between asthma symptoms and the triggers that cause a person to experience asthma, they were able to understand how to treat the disease, as opposed to just the symptoms. Asthmatics are now offered preventative medications to control their asthma before the onset of symptoms, as well as a bronchodilator to treat the symptoms. Asthma treatment has come a long way since Hippocrates, and thankfully it is no longer necessary for the asthmatic "to pant."i copied this from the internet so some of the parts are not really related