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There are eight main steps it takes to gain U.S. citizenship. The process takes about six months from the date that you file your application.

1. Eligibility

The first step to gaining U.S. citizenship is to determine your eligibility. An applicant must be able to read, write and speak the English language. An applicant must also have a good understanding of the U.S. government and history. Applicants will also need to prove that they have had a continuous physical presence and residence in the United States and that they have good moral character.

2. Complete Application

Applicants must complete the N400 form. Individuals seeking U.S. citizenship will also need to send in copies of some documents. Some common required documents include copies of the permanent resident card, the marriage certificate, tax returns, leases, birth certificates of children and IRS tax returns. The application fees must also be submitted with the application.

3. Get Photographed

Applicants need to send in two passport-style photographs along with their applications. These pictures are best taken at locations that specialize in passport pictures because the employees are familiar with the photograph requirements for U.S. citizenship applications.

4. Submit Application, Documents and Fees

The next step is to send in all of the required applications, documents and fees to the Department of Homeland Security. The application filing fee is $595, and the biometric services fee is $80.

5. Get Fingerprinted

Once the application is submitted, an applicant will receive a letter telling them a location and a time to have their fingerprints taken.

6. Interview

The next step is to appear for an interview. An applicant will need to bring certain documents and answer questions about his application and background. The applicant will also need to take the civics and English tests.

7. Receive Decision

Following the interview, the applicant will receive notification of whether he has been granted U.S. citizenship or if the application has been continued or denied.

. 8. Take the Oath

If the application is approved, the final step is to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States.

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