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The funny thing about life lessons is that they aren't always obvious. Many of the important experiences people have as children help them in totally unrelated, completely unforeseeable situations as adults. Nowhere is this more true than in the art and entertainment kids love.

More Than Just a Diversion

While most people simply see art as something to keep kids busy with, it's actually a scientifically recognized learning tool. Images and sounds kids observe stay with them, and parents who take advantage of their children's ability to absorb entertaining art actually help them learn to think more intelligently.

Look at top educational programs like Sesame Street. These have been popular, effective learning tools for decades because they combine learning with entertainment and art. Kids with little interest in problem solving find themselves following along as characters search for solutions to their issues onscreen, anticipating answers and surprising themselves with their own mental prowess. Before they know it, they've ceased thinking of learning as something to be dreaded and begun anticipating education as fun. This positive approach gets children interested in things they might not use for many years.

Unhelpful Alternatives

Of course, not all entertainment is designed to educate young viewers. Most of the TV shows, games and movies humans create are intended to facilitate mindless release. While this may not seem too destructive in moderation, you must remember that children are extremely impressionable. Letting kids simply enjoy whatever entertainment they can get their hands on is a fine way for them to learn things you'd rather they not.

Getting Kids to Play Along

Naturally, you can't always let your children in on the fact that their fun time serves a more noble purpose, because it will become unattractive. You shouldn't hide what you're doing, you just have to make it seem fun. Take part in your children's educational process personally, watch the same programs, play games together and do simple art activities along with them. Use art and entertainment as tools to stimulate young minds and build better relationships, so your job as a parent will become far simpler.

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There are many fun outdoor activities for kids. They include running through a sprinkler, playing in a sandbox, painting rocks with watercolors, riding a bike around the block, etc.

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