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A money market account is also known as an MMDA. Money market accounts are savings accounts that are offered by financial institutions, credit unions, and banks. These kinds of accounts are federally insured and they offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts. Unlike CDs, money market funds can be withdrawn at any time. They are not locked in for a period of time.

Money market accounts offer many benefits. Funds can be withdrawn from money market accounts by using checks or debit cards. Many banks, brokerage firms, and mutual fund companies offer money market accounts, so if you shop around, you should be able to find a high-interest rate account. Money market accounts can be used to keep money that is earned from investments or estate settlements. They can also be used to keep funds that will be used for investments in the future.

Keep in mind that there are some disadvantages that are associated with money market accounts. You can only make a certain number of transactions with money market accounts each month, usually six or less. In order to receive a high interest rate, many banks and financial institutions require a minimum balance of $500 or more.

A money market account is an excellent option for investors or retirees that want to store their money and earn a high interest rate. Many people open money market accounts because of the security and flexibility they provide. If you keep $1,000 or more in a regular savings account, you are probably not earning much in interest, so you should consider opening a money market account. You will still have access to your money if you need it for any reason, and you will earn double or triple the interest that you are earning now, so opening an account is worth it. Shop around and compare interest rates with several financial institutions until you find a money market account that satisfies your needs.

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Q: The Benefits And Disadvantages Of Money Market Savings Accounts?
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You can get below 0.1% of interest on money market savings accounts now. You can ge the rates at or

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Some different types of money market accounts offered by Capital One include Basic Savings Accounts, High-Yield Savings Accounts and Money Market Deposit Accounts. The best interest rates are available on the highest tier accounts.

What kinds of savings accounts are available to be opened at Capital Federal bank branches?

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Can money market accounts be used for savings?

Yes, money Market Accounts have often been used for savings. In recent years, they have been paying virtually no interest, so other forms of savings may be more advantageous.

Does every bank offer money market savings accounts to its customers?

Many banks do offer money market savings accounts but not all of them. It is best to check with your current bank about a money market savings account or if your in the market for a bank be sure to ask about this type of account before making your final decision.

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An excellent comparison site for business savings accounts is The website also provides evaluations of economic checking and cash market accounts.

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The means of determining interest rate. Money market account interest rates are variable and track the money market. Savings account interest rates are usually fixed.