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Their is a genetic component to bipolar and other mental disorders that does run in families. While a history of bipolar disorder is a red flag, it does not automatically follow that it will pass from one generation to the next. it is quite possible for a person to be bipolar without any family history of the disorder.

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Q: This person is worried and trying to know if being bipolar is hereditary.?
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1st off are u sure he needs it if he is over 18 you cant force him keep trying to convince him if he is exhibiting symptoms of bipolar and try to get him to see he is if he is bipolar and doesn't get one he is likely to have a breakdown and be hospitalized or worse if there is no sign that he has a mental disorder there is no reason for him to get one

What happens to a person who suffers from bipolar disorders?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness caused by an imbalance of serotonin in the brain. It causes mood swings ranging from euphoric mania to dangerous levels of depression. This is a condition with a physical, neurological basis. It is not due to the choices that a person has made and (in severe cases) can only be remedied with medical treatment. There are historic studies demonstrating that when left untreated, the condition causes the brain to deteriorate overtime, eventually leading to dimentia-like symptoms late in life..There are three basic classes of Bipolar Disorder:.Bipolar I - A person suffers from mania in which they are euphoric, do not need to sleep, have tremendous creative energy, and gradually begin to separate from reality (becoming delusional). The person may have normal behavior for a time. Then the person sinks into a depression regardless of circumstances. These episodes can last for months. Depression often results in suicide.. Bipolar II - Similar to Bipolar I, but with hypo-mania, which is less severe than mania.. Schizo-affective disorder - A combination of bipolar and schizophrenic symptoms.. There are a broad range of treatments for bipolar disorder. Many people afflicted with it may show no symptoms under competent treatment..In the United States, most people do not understand that this condition is an illness with a concrete neurological basis, do not understand that it is not the fault of the person afflicted with it, and attribute it to irresponsible behavior and attention seeking. There is a great stigma toward bipolar disorder and often people with the condition are shunned by their families and communities..The response below is very typical of the opinions of laypeople toward bipolar disorder. In it the person generalizes that all people with bipolar disorder tend to be abusive and dishonest, that they are melodramatic and attention seeking, and that they usually refuse treatment. Such ideas are inaccurate generalizations that attempt to pigeon-hole every person with bipolar disorder in the same category.Their mind races.They are not stable and they tend to abuse either themselves,property,or loved ones.They also believe in unreal things or almost trick themselves.They are not stable and are definitely always on a emotional roller-coaster. They almost "don't have hearts" because they think what they are doing is justified or right and never feel bad and they will lie to you to make you believe that they feel bad but they are only doing that for drama. Bipolar is a serious mental illness and if you know of someone who suffers from this mental illness you should get them help now and don't stop trying just because they say they don't have it or they refuse to take medication this is very common for them..Rebuttal: The above statement is full of generalizations, logical contradictions, and dangerous misinformation. Each person afflicted with this condition is different and they don't tend to hallucinate or believe in unreal things (that is schizophrenia) or trick themselves. The statement about "not having hearts" and lying confuses bipolar disorder with sociopathy. Assuming that all people with bipolar disorder create "drama" and don't take medication is part of the reason there is so much stigma toward this illness; too many people do not remotely understand it and profess to be experts.

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if they keep doing it than yes yes they can marie miles

How do you quit going back to an addictive relationship with a bipolar girlfriend?

There are some good medications for people with bipolar, but unfortunately, statistics show that either the person with bipolar is in self denial or, if they accept what their doctor says and go on the medicals they begin to feel normal and this is generally when some stop taking their medications and of course leads them in a downward spiral to bipolar symptoms again. Some symptoms are depression; extreme mood swings; thoughts of suicide; the person having bipolar can appear to have one or more personalities which is due to depression and stopping medications. This is why you feel the need to keep going back to your girlfriend; she may be moody for awhile and then quite sweet and you find yourself feeling slightly guilty for even thinking of trying to break up with her and it becomes a vicious cycle. You need some time to yourself to think about your relationship with your girlfriend and be honest as to how you really feel about her. Ask yourself these questions: Do I just feel I need to be there so she can lean on me and I can protect her? Do I feel I should be there because she is lonely and I am the only one that understands her? What will the future be like if I continue my relationship with my bipolar girlfriend? If she takes her own life will it be my fault? Read about bipolar and then make your decision. Bipolar is very difficult for the person dealing with it, but, if they are in denial or refuse to stay on their medications they tend to drain the life out of anyone that is near them. You hold the key as to what you can handle and what you cannot handle and if you want to get back to a more normal life then you are going to have break up with her. If she has even threatened suicide to keep you together then you will have to take the risk and break up with her anyway. One way you can be very sure of your decision is to see a psychologist and explain your circumstances to him/her so you can not only learn more about bipolar, but also have the tools to deal with the decision you have to make.

What is billing code 356.9?

It's a diagnosis code that is defined as, "Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy; unspecified". I'm still trying to find a "lay" definition if anyone has one.