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Starting a new exercise program requires some planning. The first thing you need to do is identify your goals. Do you want to add lean muscle and lose fat? If so, the best way to get in shape fast is to develop a weight lifting routine. Adding muscle to your body will increase your metabolism, give you more energy and make you look better. Women do not need to lifting weights. Without the proper amount of testosterone, a woman simply cannot bulk up like a man. Weight training and proper diet will result in adding muscles that will make you look great.

A weight training program consist of a series of exercises developed for specific muscle groups. The major muscle groups in the body are the chest, back, shoulders, arms and legs. When you are a beginning weight trainer, start your training program with upper body exercises one day and lower body exercises the next day. Allow one day of rest in between training days. There is some debate about training again while the muscles are still sore. You can expect muscle soreness after your workouts, especially in the beginning. Slight soreness is normal, but if it is extreme, wait until the soreness is almost gone before training again.

There are several things the body needs to add muscle. Proper diet, sleep and the right weight training exercises will ensure you add muscle. Diet is an important ingredient to making muscle gains. If you are not familiar with a bodybuilder's diet, you can research bodybuilding nutrition online. It is also important to get the right amount of sleep each night. When you are new to weight training and you have the time, you can also take a short nap during the day to improve your muscle gains.

Learning the right weight training exercises to improve your body is important. Read muscle and fitness magazines to become familiar with professional bodybuilding routines. You can also find weight training exercises online for specific body parts. You can expect to see results in a few weeks. If you have some weight to lose, it may take longer to see results, but you will eventually see fantastic results.

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