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In my last article on Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label, I pointed out how to decipher such terms as “serving size” and “calories from fat”. In this article, I’ll talk more about carbs, fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals.


Carbohydrates and protein are often counted to ensure that enough are consumed for optimal health (although some do use the label to limit carbs for weight loss). Carbohydrate, like fat, is based on a person eating 2,000 calories, so the daily total of carbs to shoot for in a day is around 250 (50% of 2000 calories divided by 4 calories per gram). For low-carb diet followers, keep in mind that most health professionals suggest a minimum of 100 grams per day for optimal brain cell function and manufacture of red blood cells.

Carbohydrate total is an important number for those with Diabetes – in general, 15 grams of carbs equal one serving for a diabetic patient– but the numbers that follow give more information on the nutritional value of a food.

Dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is not easily digested and therefore does not contribute to the overall calorie content of a food. However, it is an important component of the daily diet because of its beneficial effect on reducing the risk of Heart disease and possibly certain cancers. The daily goal for protein for adults is a minimum of 25 grams. Not every food will contain fiber, but for those foods that are grains, such as pastas or breads, the goal is to find products that have at least 2-3 grams of fiber per serving.

Sugars is one of the more confusing listings on a food label, because it does not indicate if the sugar is naturally occurring or added during manufacturing. For example, on a package of applesauce, you might notice that the total grams of carbohydrate and the total grams of sugar are equal, indicating the food is made entirely of sugar. In this case, understand that the sugar from apples is not considered one of the harmful sugars for overall health, and trying to reduce sugar in this case is not the same as trying to reduce added sugars, such as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup.

Currently, there is not a “Recommended Dietary Intake” for total sugar, but recently, the American Heart Association issued guidelines that stress that Americans should drastically reduce the amount of dietary sugar that is added to the foods we eat. The AHA recommends that no more than 100-150 calories a day come from added sweeteners.


Protein is listed last among the macronutrients on the Nutrition Facts label, and it is not given a “% Daily Value”. Currently, there is no RDA for protein, and it depends upon who you ask as to the number of grams of protein you should have in a day. One calculation, called the Daily Reference Value, calls for around 10% of calories or 50 grams per day for a person eating 2000 calories. But the majority of nutrition experts recommend a more balanced approach of about 20% of calories a day from protein. For a person eating a 2000 calorie diet, this would set a daily protein goal of 100 grams a day.

Vitamins and Minerals

Only two vitamins and two minerals are listed on the Nutrition Facts label, obviously not encompassing all that a person needs for optimal health. These four are listed because most Americans do not get enough in their ordinary diets. These nutrients are listed as percentages only, and not in grams or milligrams as the other nutrients.

Vitamin A is needed for healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin, but it is best known for promoting good vision. An adult female needs about 700 micrograms a day, while a male needs slightly more – 900 mcg/day. The percentage on the food label is the amount the food contributes to the total amount needed.

Vitamin C is known primarily for benefiting the immune system, but also is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. Adult women need 75 milligrams/day, and men need 90 milligrams.

Calcium is a mineral that is essential for strong bones and teeth. You have more calcium in your body than any other mineral. Women often need more calcium than men because as they age, they are at greater risk for osteoporosis. Women over 50 need at least 1200 mg each day.

Iron is another important dietary mineral. It is primarily used as a component in red blood cells to transport oxygen to all body cells. Again, women need more of this mineral than men. The percent daily value is based on 18 grams, the amount recommended for premenopausal women.

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