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There are always hackers who are looking for ways to get into any exchange serve that they think they can access. You need to keep them out at all times, especially if this server is located at a business that you own. You can use a firewall to do this. It will automatically block people who do not have the right access codes. It can also block automated programs that hackers may have set up.

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Q: Use A Firewall To Keep Hackers Out?
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How can you protect your pcs from hackers?

password it, disconnect it from the internet or use a firewall

How do you protect computers from hacking?

Download some of the best Firewalls like Comodo Firewall,Avast firewall etc to keep your ps safe from hackers.

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Can A denial of service attack can be used to deny hackers access to a computer system?

A denial of service attack is a technique that hackers use once they have already gained access to an individual computer, or a larger network. They essentially keep the computer or network so busy that it cannot access the internet. One would not use this technique to stop hackers. Strong virus and malware protection, coupled with a firewall, is the best defense.

How can you increase your security on your computer?

Use an antivirus and keep it updated. Double check the settings because sometimes the default settings are a little weak. Same goes for antispyware and antimalware. Use a firewall and intrusion detection to keep hackers away. Use a browser link scanner like McAfee SiteAdvisor or Web of Trust to stay out of bad websites.

What is the primary objective of firewall?

The primary objective of a firewall is to protect the computer and its network from unwanted intrusions. These intrusions can include viruses and hackers.

What important benefit can a firewall provide?

A firewall can provide a lot of protection for your computer. The most important benefit the firewall provides is protection from hackers and viruses.

What is windows firewall?

It's a program that defends from hackers and block unaurtharized internet connections.

What does a business firewall software do?

A business firewall software allows your company to be protected from hackers, viruses and trojans. This is essential for businesses because it gives security.

What is a PC firewall?

A PC firewall is a protocol that tells your PC what is allowed to connect to your PC trough the internet. To prevent Unwanted access from i.e hackers.

What is the purpose of software update?

Software is continually being developed and improved. This is especially true of programs such as anti-virus, and firewall software. Regular updates keep your computer safe from malicious hackers etc.