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Q: Was the land in Swan River good for farming?
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What is the land like to the west of the nile river?

the land was fertile and good for farming.

Where did the Swan River colony land in western Australia?

Colonies do not land. Colonies grow. The Swan River colony grew along the banks of the Swan River, on the southwestern coast of Australia.

What impact did this have on nubia?

cause there was plentyfull gold and good farming land and down the river nile

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swan river

How do people use the land in southern Europes central uplands?

Most of the land there is rocky and not good for farming.

Farming area of rich land along rivers?

The land along a river is called a river bank.

Is there good farming in the flood plain?

yes! the soil is very rich and full of minerals as river have silt which they scatter on land when they flood.

Does desertification ever happen on the nile?

No the nile river overflows so frequently that the land around it is fertile and very good for farming.

Why are there farmers in Montana?

There is plenty of land that is good for farming and the climate is generally good for farming.

What are the characteristics of good farming land?

Good farming land is rich with nutrients plants need, is as weed-free as possible, and is tillable.

What is pastoral land form?

land that is very good farming land

Was the land outwest good for hunting and farming?

depends on the land.