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In the United States alone, obesity is a huge problem. People are are morbidly obese are at a higher risk for a number of different diseases and medical conditions. Morbid obesity surgery is often performed in the form of bariatric types of surgery to help the individual lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. These types of surgeries include the Lap-Band and gastric bypass surgery. A morbidly obese individual will typically need bariatric surgery to help them with the weight loss process. After the surgery, the individual will begin eating differently and much healthier.

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12y ago

In recent years, we've seen a dramatic upsurge in surgical weight loss procedures. While we are certainly in favor of weight loss surgery for the morbidly obese, it just doesn't seem right that the mildly to moderately obese should be spending so much money on procedures that have no guarantee of ultimate success. All too often, we hear of cases where an individual undergoes gastric bypass surgery, loses a tremendous amount of weight, and gradually gains back every pound. Our weight problems are partly caused by behavioral issues, and surgery can't address that. If you're considering surgery, be sure to address your behavioral problems first.

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Q: Weight Loss Surgery Is For The Morbidly Obese Only.?
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Why does Kentucky medicaid pay for weight loss surgery?

Medicare and Medicaid will cover the surgery if you are "morbidly obese"; this always requires prior approval.

what exactly is sleeve bariatric surgery?

This surgery is performed on obese and morbidly obese patients. The purpose of the surgery is to reduce the size of the stomach, which will in turn result in weight loss due to the inability to consume enough calories to maintain such a high weight. Surgery of this type can be dangerous, please consult a physician.

Drastic Surgical Weight Loss Options.?

For the morbidly obese, losing weight is about far more than looking good or being popular. Indeed, morbidly obese individuals face a life-threatening condition. For this reason, those who are morbidly obese should look into weight loss operations. Popular surgical options for weight loss include gastric band installation and gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bands are especially attractive, since they are relatively non-invasive. Nevertheless, all types of surgery are very serious, and could result in life-threatening complications. For this reason, only the most seriously obese should consider surgery. Moderately obese individuals should look at diet, exercise, and even meditation and spirituality.

Are there doctors that specialize in weight loss?

Yes. These doctors often administer specially-designed weight loss programs like MediFast for the morbidly obese.

Advantages to Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric weight loss surgery procedures carry high risks of scary side effects and complications, including death. Beach of this, weight loss surgery should be reserved for the morbidly obese who have exhausted all other weight loss options. In these cases, the benefits of weight loss surgery are far greater than the risks. Weight loss surgery typically results in very rapid weight loss. Patients drop pounds quickly and are often able to have their blood pressure or diabetes medication reduced while still in the hospital. Weight loss surgery allows severely obese patients to improve their obesity related health conditions very quickly.

Under what conditions is laparoscopic obesity surgery recommended?

Laparoscopic surgery for obesity is generally recommended only as a last resort if diet, exercise, and other weight loss measures have failed. Patients must be considered morbidly obese, or 100 pounds over their ideal body weight, to qualify for this surgery.

The Pros And Cons Of Weight Loss Surgery.?

In addition to physical considerations, being overweight can be mentally taxing as well. Studies have shown that overweight individuals are likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and social isolation. For these and other reasons, surgical weight loss procedures have become quite popular as of late. We believe that these operations should be reserved only for the morbidly obese. Even if you qualify as morbidly obese, you should exhaust every possible avenue before committing to surgical weight loss. If you do choose to undergo surgery, be sure to choose gastric band procedures over a gastro bypass surgery, as the former is far less invasive.

Surgery for Weight Loss Purposes?

Bariatric surgery consists of several different types of surgery that is performed to help overweight and obese individuals lose the excess weight. When an individual becomes morbidly obese, surgery may be the only option. Some of these surgeries include gastric bypass surgery and the Lap-Band surgery. The purpose of these surgeries is to not only help the individual to lose weight but to also learn how to eat healthier and control proper portions when they are eating food.

Will bypass gastric surgery help with gastric problems?

Gastric bypass surgery is mainly used to assist morbidly obese individuals with weight loss when regular diet and exercise fails to control the patients' weight. Gastric bypass alters the way in which the body processes food, the digestive system would be affected by this surgery.

what is the criteria for people who needsd gastric bypass surgery?

People who need gastric bypass surgery are often morbidly obese and they are unable to follow through with any other method of weight loss, wither through physical disability or because they have an obsessive eating disorder.

Where can I find more information on pictures for bariatric surgery?

Most doctors will not perform bariatric surgery unless you are obese. The pictures requested are available at:

Can You recommend a website that can give me information on bariatric surgery to help me lose weight?

Bariatric surgery is not to be taken lightly as it is major surgery that has lots of complications for the morbidly obese. Some sites you can go to for information is and