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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition that gradually decreases lung function. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema can be classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. COPD can be classified as mild, moderate, severe or very severe. Below is an explanation of the different stages of COPD: Stage One Or Mild COPD Coughing and mucus are some of the symptoms that may be present during the first stage of COPD. The COPD usually does not interfere with a person's life during this stage. In fact, many people do not even realize that they have COPD. Mild COPD can usually be treated with a short-acting bronchodilator. Stage Two Or Moderate COPD People who have moderate COPD may begin to experience shortness of breath during physical activity, such as climbing stairs. Mucus production becomes excessive during this stage. People may also notice that they are coughing a lot more than usual. Both short-acting and long-acting bronchodilators are used during this stage. People are also encourage to engage in moderate exercise so that they can maintain their lung function. Stage Three Or Severe COPD Severe COPD will have a negative impact on a person's life. People with severe COPD may not be able to complete normal activities without experiencing shortness of breath. Lung function is significantly reduced during this stage. Two or more bronchodilators are required to treat COPD. Patients will also need to attend pulmonary rehab. Furthermore, patients are at an increased risk for developing complications from the flu or pneumonia. That is why they will need to be vaccinated against both illnesses. Stage Four Or Very Severe COPD This is a very serious stage of COPD. Coughing, mucus production and shortness of breath will become chronic. In fact, a person may not even be able to eat without experiencing those symptoms. Inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators and oxygen therapy are recommended as treatment options. Surgery may also be needed to remove the damaged lung tissue.

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Q: What Are Some Of The Stages Of COPD?
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What are five types of copd?

COPD, or Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is broken down into four different stages. The first stage is Mild COPD. The second is a moderate cough. The third is severe COPD and the fourth is very severe and may be fatal.

What are the stages of COPD?

The first two stages of COPD include a transition from mild to moderate shortness of breath. Stage 3 includes shortness of breath that may impair quality of life. The final stage presents the sufferer with a very impaired quality of life and frequent exacerbations.

What are the main stages of COPD?

The COPD symptoms are that one will feel very run down and tired. Additionally, one can feel a lot of pain, that generally starts in the head area and have trouble breathing.

What are some diets for people with COPD? is a very helpful page that discusses COPD and provides detailed infromation on how those with COPD can keep healthy.

How harmful is smoking with COPD?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD can be extremely serious if left undiagnosed or if not properly treated. If you have some of the symptoms of COPD you should certainly consult your doctor.

What is a good COPD diet that can help control symptoms?

You should check with your father's doctor to see what diet he or she recommends for your father to follow when it comes to his diet. has some diet options your father could follow to control his COPD.

What are some of the stage 4 COPD symptoms?

Some of the Stage 4 COPD symptoms include chronic cough with a lot of mucus. COPD stage 4 has severe shortness of breath and often is combined with the colouring of blue in the skin. People with COPD stage 4 often will have weight loss and is life threatening during flare ups.

What are doctors using for COPD treatment?

The following are some of the ways doctors are treating COPD to help improve health: use of medications to help ease symptoms, such as bronchodilators, vaccinations to help prevent different types of infections that can complicate COPD, oxygen therapy and in some cases surgical procedures.

Is copd the same as emphysema?

Emphysema is one type of COPD. There are others.

What treatments for copd?

Some of the treatments for COPD are simply lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking. Often patients are prescribed inhalers and steroids to improve lung function as well.

What are treatments for COPD?

Some of the treatments for COPD are simply lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking. Often patients are prescribed inhalers and steroids to improve lung function as well.

Where can I go online to find some information on the copd diet?

There are certain foods that people who have copd can eat to lessen their symptoms of the disease. A good website to check out would be .