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Anxiety can manifest itself in the human body through a variety of symptoms. People who suffer from anxiety can be suffering from temporary stress, like a dealing with divorce or death of a loved one. Or anxious people can suffer from more generalized unease. They may just be unable to keep themselves from fretting over the smallest things. Classically, people have associated digestive complaints like stomach ulcers with anxiety. However, the body's digestive system can react in other more unusual manners to ongoing stress and anxiety. A person could constantly experience nausea or have frequent urges to visit the restroom. Diarrhea or constipation can be caused by anxiety. Some anxious patients feel as if there is a knot in their throats that would keep them from swallowing. Anxious people might lose their appetite, or conversely, constantly crave sweets or other "comfort" foods. Anxiety can cause stomach upset, stomach aches, or vomiting. Anxious people can feel jittery or "tingly". They may be unable to sit still or have an "electric shock" sensation all over their bodies. They may experience numbness in various parts of their body or have constant muscle tension. Anxiety can also cause stabbing pains in the face, neck, head, or scalp. Anxiety can manifest itself in tremors, weakness, dizziness, or light-headed sensations. Many times, experiencing extreme anxiety can be mistaken for heart attack symptoms. The patient may feel tightness in his chest, excessive sweating, shortness of breath, or a pounding heart. Many times a patient may go to the emergency room thinking they are having a heart attack, but be experiencing a panic attack instead. However, one should never assume he is not having a heart attack. It is best to err on the side of caution and get medical care quickly. Anxious people cannot seem to control their thoughts. Mental images or worries can constantly replay themselves in the mind of an anxious person, many times interfering with sleep. Fears, both real and imaginary, rob anxious people of their ability to enjoy life and the love of others. Chronic anxiety can deprive people of their energy, making them lifeless and lethargic. Anxiety touches every system of the human body. If one experiences any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical help. There is no need to live like this. Reach out to a doctor and find relief.

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Q: What are Some Typical Symptoms of Anxiety?
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