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Q: What are the main differences between napoleon snowball and squealer?
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What is a significant difference between Napoleon and Squealer?

Napoleon wants the power of a leader, while Squealer is content to spread Napoleon's propaganda.

What are the differences between napoleon and snowball in the book Animal farm?

The windmill, Snowball wants to build it because of it's unlimited benefits such as electricity and heating in the stalls. As Napoleon just doesn't really have a good reason except for the fact that it would be tiring and could decrease harvest.

What does the split between Napoleon and Snowball in the movie Animal Farm represent?


What internal feud within the Communist party is paralleled in the struggle for power between Napoleon and Snowball?

The internal feud between Stalin and Trotsky is epitomized in Napoleon and Snowball. This was the argument between permanent revolution everywhere and just revolution in one farm.

In Animal Farm What was the basic difference between Napoleon's and snowball's leadership styles?

compared to snowball, Napoleon was a treacherous leader, he didn't care about how much power animal farm had, but how much power he had over it.

The relationship between Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm most closely resembles that of which two historical figures?

The relationship between Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm resembles the rivalry between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky in Soviet history. Both pairs involved power struggles, with one figure (Napoleon/Stalin) eventually asserting dominance over the other (Snowball/Trotsky) through manipulation and force.

What is the relationship between Snowball and Napoleon in Animal Farm?

Both Napoleon and Snowball want to create a revolution that will free the farm animals from the farmer. Napoleon is content to only free the Manor and create his own fiefdom, where Snowball wants to free every farm.

What is the difference about the style of leadership between napoleon and snowball?

snowball because he is a smart pig and anyone can trust a smart person

What is the difference between snowball I and snowball II the simpson's cat?

snowball I had white snowball II is a black cat

Who does snowball represent in Animal Farm?

There are several similarities between Snowball and Trotsky in "Animal Farm". Trotsky led the Red Army to victory over the White Army, and Snowball led the animals to victory in the Battle of Cowshed. Like Trotsky, Snowball wanted to spread the movement worldwide. Snowball ended up being kicked off the farm and banished just like Stalin did Trotsky.

Are there any comic relief in animal farm?

Yes, there are instances of comic relief in "Animal Farm," such as the interactions between the animals and some of the absurd situations they find themselves in. The dynamic between characters like Napoleon and Snowball also provides some moments of dark humor.

What is the connection between squealer falling from the ladder and the fifth commandment in animal farm?

The fifth commandment in Animal Farm was that no animal should consume alcohol. The irony is that Squealer fell from the ladder because he was drunk.