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The incisions may become infected and bleed which could complicate your recovery; additionally, your heart, lungs, and intestines may be inadvertently affected. Also consider that bariatric surgery is a general anesthesia procedure; as with all such procedures, an allergic reaction or asphyxiation- possibly from using the wrong general anesthesia agent- could prove fatal.

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Q: What are the risks of having bariatric surgery?
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Who is a candidate for bariatric surgery and what are the risks involved in weight loss surgery?

"You could be a candidate for bariatric surgery if you are having health problems due to your weight and you also cannot lose weight no matter how hard you try. The risks are that you may get an infection, or you may even die."

Some Risks of Bariatric Surgery?

The most popular bariatric surgery is the gastric bypass. While having this type of surgery may involve some risks, it can help you to lose weight and to reduce the threats of serious health challenges. The risks bariatric surgery present includes infections, bleeding and some people may react to the anesthesia. However, there are complications that may arise from the surgery. Some problems associated with bariatric surgery may include kidney stones and gallstones, bleeding stomach ulcers, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals and reactions to certain foods. Other severe risks of bariatric surgery include blood clots and death on rare occasions.

What risks come with bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery does have a pretty long list of risks involved. The following website helps you weigh the cons against the pros by providing an in depth list of risks:

Where can I findinfo on the risks bariatric surgery online?

Many different medical sites offer information on Bariatric surgery, including the risks. One site in particular "WebMD" has all the information and risks of the procedure under their "Weight Loss Surgery Health Center" tab.

What are some of the risks of bariatric surgery?

Risks associated with bariatric surgery are gallstones, kidneystones, dehydration, bleeding stomach ulcer, just to name a few. The Mayo Clinic has a fantastic website that gives you detailed information including risks and side-effects.

What is Bariatric Obesity Surgery?

Gastric bypass is one type of bariatric surgery for obesity. There are other types such as the lap band. The main risks are complications from surgery and various digestive upsets.

what are all of the bariatric surgery guidelines?

If traditional forms of weight loss have not worked, Bariatric Surgery is also an option. To see if you are a good candidate for Bariatric Surgery, as well as the risks and expectations of the procedure, take a look at:

Are the benifits of bariatric surgery worth the risks involved?

While bariatic surgery has its positive aspects, there are also risks to consider. It is up to you to weigh the risks and rewards, personally. No one can tell you what it right for you, however I urge you to strongly consider both, as there are research studies available highlighting data that the risks may outweigh the rewards.

Where can I find out more about bariatric medical?

You should consult a physician before entering surgery. It has inherrent risks, even if bariatric surgery has lower risks than others. WebMD has some general knowledge but isn't always accurate.

Where can I find advice on bariatric information?

First talk to your doctor. Also, if you have a nutritionist, talk to him or her. Bariatric surgery is not a decision that should be rushed, as there are risks and long term effects from this surgery.

What are the advantages of having the bariatris surgery?

The main advantage of bariatric surgery is rapid weight loss. The weight loss is not always permanent, and there are risks with any surgery. It is best to talk about the options with your family physician to determine whether surgery is right for you.

What are the risks of the bariatric surgery gastirc bypass?

Tell him to think about this long and hard before he follow through on this. Bariatric surgery is major surgery so he will have the same risks as other surgery. His body may not be able to sustain and he could die on the table. He could also have a heart attack later or a stroke.