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One of the best ways to lower cholesterol is eating whole grains. Beans, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables that are high in fiber are all beneficial and can help to lower a persons cholesterol.

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Q: What are the types of food that lower cholestrol?
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how can i lower my cholestrol?

go on a diet


Food to avoid that are high in cholestrol

Which of these is not a healthy food for someone with high cholestrol?

peanuts and mango and watermelon

What are some foods that help lower cholesterol?

Fruits, vegetables, and fish are foods that will help you lower your cholestrol because they don't have any in them.

What is the positive result and the importance of liebermann burchard and salkowski tests?

it is a test for presence of cholestrol and if two layers form, upper layer becomes red and lower one becomes yellow, it indicates the presence of cholestrol.

Is there a natural food that contains anabolic ingredients?

Yes. All steriods start with cholestrol which is found in many foods. but eating more cholestrol won't help you get more muscle.

What vitamins can help lower cholestrol?

It hasn't been proven yet that vitamins, as a supplement, help to lower cholesterol. A healthy balanced diet is the only way to get all the vitamins that may lower cholesterol.

what are some food low cholestrol diets?

Diet and exercise are equally important when attempting to lower your cholesterol. Avoid high cholesterol foods, and exercise moderation during portion control. Speak with your doctor regularly, and have your levels checked as recommended.

when having a headache is that a sign that the cholestrol is high?

when having a headache is that a sign that the cholestrol is high

What are the different kinds of atoms in cholesteral?

cholestrol a tetra cyclic lrge molecules contains three types of atoms ,carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Does kisan cooking oil contains cholestrol?

Yes , But not too much. Every oil contains Cholestrol.

How do you control the diet to lower cholestrol levels for an overweight person or persons?

There are several foods that you can eat that will lower your cholesterol. You can try changing your diet to whole grains like oatmeal, and cheerios, also fruit, and fish.