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Q: What crops besides cotton were profitable in Georgia after the civil war?
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What invention made cotton more profitable for the south during the civil war?

The cotton gin

What was the significance of cotton?

Made cotton extremely profitable. Caused a cotton boom in the South. Greater influx of slaves. Arguably an indirect cause of the civil war.

What was significance of the cotton grin?

Made cotton extremely profitable. Caused a cotton boom in the South. Greater influx of slaves. Arguably an indirect cause of the civil war.

Which side of the civil war wanted lsaves?

The South - because it was the mainstay of the highly profitable cotton industry.

What invention had a huge impact on the economy of the southern US before the Civil War?

The invention that had a huge impact on the economy of the southern US before the Civil War was the cotton gin. Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry by automating the process of removing seeds from cotton fibers. This boosted cotton production and made it more profitable for southern planters, solidifying the region's dependence on slave labor and leading to the expansion of cotton plantations.

What was the leading crop raised in the South at the time of the Civil War?


Why was Cotton imortant to U.S. history?

"King Cotton" was one of the major crops of the South before the Civil War. It was not only vital for the southern economy, but also the Northern and English industrialist. Antebellum South provided 50% of the worlds supply of cotton. In order to make a profit off this crop, huge tracts of land (newly acquired from Western territory) and many laborers (slaves) were required. This caused the slave economy in the South to become necessary as well as accepted. Once the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney, cotton became even more of a profitable crop to grow and the dwindling slave economy was revived. After the Civil War, cotton was no longer a profitable crop, and ceased to be widely grown.

What states were growing cotton before the civil war?

N&S Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee. (Probably more)

What was the major crop of the south prior to the civil war?

the major crop prior to the civil war was cotton

What Southern states had the most cotton plantations?

As the US Civil War unfolded, cotton plantations had spread from South Carolina. The movement from this state took a westward and southern direction with Georgia, northern Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas becoming large cotton plantation states.

Why couldn't the North grow cotton during the US Civil War?

The growing of cotton requires a relatively warm climate. This the South had in places like Alabama and Georgia. The North, however, was allowed to buy cotton from the South during the war by the special permit issued by the US Treasury.

Was cotton still the main crop of the south after the civil war?
