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in the oppesite direction ;)

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Q: What direction does negative feedback mechanism drive the factor being regulated?
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What are most hormone action regulated by?

The hypothalamus regulates the Pituitary gland, and the Pituitary gland regulates the rest of the endocrine system.

Is menstrual cycle a feedback mechanism?

Yes, the menstrual cycle is a feedback mechanism controlled by hormones. The cycle involves the feedback interactions between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, and uterus to regulate the release of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which influence the development and shedding of the uterine lining.

Is blood regulated by negative or positive feedback?

negative feedback via baroreceptors in the carotid artery and aortic arch

What kind of feedback mechanism is it when it causes the initial stimulus to decline?

negative feedback

Are contractions in the uterus a process regulated by negative or positive feedback?

Uterine contractions are one of the few physiologic process regulated by positive feedback.

What is the first step of the negative feedback mechanism?


What is the primary mechanism for maintaining homeostasis?

Negative feedback.

How does the negative-feedback mechanism work?

The negative feedback mechanism is important in many biological processes. The process can be shut off by the accumulation of products further along in the process.

What is a positive feedback mechanism?

A positive feedback mechanism is a system the responds to perturbation in the same direction as the perturbation. A positive feedback mechanism allow cells to adapt to changes in their environment rapidly and efficiently. Positive feedback allows cells to reach new levels of equilibrium corresponding to the stimulus in the environment

What is the difference between feedback negative feedback a negative feedback response a negative feedback mechanism and a negative feed back loop?

Feedback refers to information provided in response to a stimulus. Negative feedback specifically refers to a response that works to counteract and reverse the original stimulus, maintaining a set equilibrium. A negative feedback response is the specific action taken to reduce the effect of the stimulus. A negative feedback mechanism is the overall process by which the body regulates and maintains internal balance. A negative feedback loop is the continuous cycle of detecting and responding to changes in order to maintain homeostasis.

Is it impossible to keep your body chemistry in balance without some sort of negative feedback mechanism?

No you need negative feedback!

A condition NOT regulated by a negative feedback loop would be?

body temp