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Q: What does sentenced hold mean while being held in jail?
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What does municipal hold mean?

Municipal hold means that the person who is being held in the jail is either held on a 24 hour hold for a DWI, public intoxication, or a warrant. This could also mean that the person is being held for another court.

Do Axolotls enjoy being held?

It depends how hard you hold them.

Why shouldn't you hold a baby while driving?

It is very important to not be distracted while driving. If a baby is driving a car, it would be very distracting to the baby if he was also being held. Please don't hold a baby while the baby is trying to drive. How would you like it if someone was trying to hold you while you were driving? Not very fun, now is it?

How do you stop your hamster from peeing on you?

Hold a towel around it when being held.

What does held harmless mean in a home mortgage?

In a home mortgage, hold harmless means that a person knows that they accept all of the risks of the home mortgage. This includes any and everything that may happen while the mortgage is being held.

What is held present tense?

"Is held" is the present tense of the verb "to hold." It is used to indicate that something is currently being held or kept in a specific position or location.

How do you restrain a kid?

I would hold their arms while another person held the legs

What did Joan of Arc hold while she was on the stake?

she held a cross as she was burned on the steak. she also prayed.

What happens at medical hold in the Air Force Basic Training?

At Medical Hold, you are generally held for observation & evaluation to determine, either your future status (in or out) or held there while you are processed out of the AF for a medical discharge.

What is the present tense of held?

The present tense of "held" is "hold."

What is past participle of hold?

The past participle of "hold" is "held."

What is the past tense of hold?

The past tense of hold is held.