

what is colon cleaning product?

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12y ago

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A colon cleaning product is something that is used to cleanse the colon of built up toxins that may be clogging the walls of your colon. the product will help clear these toxins from the colon and make you feel healthier and a possible side effect is increased energy.

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12y ago
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Q: What is colon cleaning product?
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Colon cleaning is not safe to do at home. This is a procedure that needs to be done by a professional to avoid personal injury.

Is there anywhere I can look to find information on modern colon cleaning machines?

The Colon Therapists Network has some pretty good details about the difference between modern and old-fashioned colon cleaning machines.

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This explains why, and also tells how:

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When it comes to cleaning your colon naturally, there are several options. You can buy several different products over the counter to assist you in cleansing your colon, such as laxatives, enemas, herbal teas, magnesium, and the list goes on. Therapists can also assist in cleansing your colon by doing what is called colon irrigation.

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Is acai berry a colon cleanse product?

No, but it is frequently used in combination with a colon cleanse product by people who want to lose weight.

What exactly is colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing is a practice where your colon(or large intestine) is cleaning out by either using products (these can be teas and enzymes) or by going to a medical professional to get your color irrigated.

I have wanted to try a colon cleanse product and recently bought total cleanse. Is it a safe product and is it safe if you have diverticulitis?

No, you should absolutly not use a colon cleanse if you have diverticulitis.