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Bowel incontinence is when a person is unable to control their bowels. That is, they have involuntary bowel movements.

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Q: What is the definition of bowel incontinence?
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Related questions

What are symptoms of bowel incontinence?

The symptoms of bowel incontinence, aside from the physical evidence of having lost control, are many. The incontinence can be accompanied by a loss of sensation, pain, flatulence, or just plain old discomfort. Anyone experiencing bowel incontinence should probably talk to a healthcare provider.

Incontinence occurs when there is a problem controlling?

Bladder and bowel

What is it called when you can't hold your bowel movements?


Is bowel incontinence a problem for many adults?

Yes bowel incontinence is a problem for many adults. It's tied to stress and sleep deprivation which is something adults suffer from.

What does Bowel training do?

Bowel training helps to reestablish normal bowel movements in persons who suffer from constipation, diarrhea, incontinence, or irregularity

Incontinence is a term referring to?

Incontinence is a term used for the loss of control over bowel or bladder. Urinary incontinence and fecal inconntinence have many physical-biological causes.

What are the characteristics of fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence, also called bowel incontinence, can occur at any age, but is most common among people over the age of 65, who sometimes have to cope with urinary incontinence as well.

What are the symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus?

dementia, gait abnormalities, and incontinence (involuntary urination or bowel movements).

What is the prognosis for a patient with fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence is a problem that usually responds well to professional medical treatment, even among elderly and institutionalized patients. If complete bowel control cannot be restored, the impact of incontinence on everyday life can.

How do you treat bowel incontinence?

In my own case, when I made up my mind that my lust for chocolate was far less important than remaining bowel continent...things greatly improved for me. Ingesting products with a lot of milk...such as in ice cream, puddings, etc... where a lot of sugar has been added, encourages the formation of a lot of mucos in the intestines which can result in diarrhea, increasing your chances of bowel incontinence.

What is the term for no control of bladder or bowels?

Incontinence is the general term for both. Encopresis is inability to control the excretion of feces, and enuresis for urine.incontinence

Is bowel incontinence and diarrhea common in 13 yr old senior German Shepherds?

It is perfectly normal for an older dog to have no control over his bowel movements. To prevent mess let him/her out regularly.