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Q: What is the definition of print f command with examples?
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What is the program to calculate factorial value of given number using BC command in UNIX?

From the manpage of the bc(1) command: The following is the definition of the recursive factorial function. define f (x) { if (x <= 1) return (1); return (f(x-1) * x); } So you could enter that definition of f(), and then call it, for example f(10)

What is printf with examples?

print f() 1.function 2.built in 3.user only use 4.out put purpose

How do you find a factorial using Unix?

perl -e 'sub f { my $fu = shift; return 1 if $fu == 1; return f($fu - 1) * $fu; } print f(5), "\n";' just paste that in to a command prompt, change the print f(5) to print f(6) or whatever you want.

Write a c programme to find out summultiplicationdivision and subtraction using suitable statement?

#include<stdio.h> void main() { float a, b, result = 0.0; int choice; print f("Choose 1 for addition choose 2 for subtraction & 3 for multiplication & 4 for division \n"); scan f("%d" &choice); print f("Enter Two Numbers "); scan f("%f, %f" &a, &b); switch(choice) { case 1: print f("The Result Is :" "%f" a + b); break; case 2: print f("The Result Is :" "%f" a - b); break; case 3: print f("The Result Is :" "%f" a * b); break; case 4: print f("The Result Is :" "%f" a / b); break; default: print f("Wrong Choice"); } }

How do you format F drive from command prompt?

you can use the command 'format f:' or if you want to format it to something different e.g. FAT32 you need to put the command 'format f: /fs:fat32'

What keyboard command activates the find command?

Ctrl F

What is the short cut key for the print command?

From the spreadsheet (to display the Print dialog box), press CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT+F12. If in print preview, press ALT+F, then press P.

What are similarity between puts and print f?

The 'print f' keyword in c is used to print every thing on the application window,everything in the sense that it is used to print the values of variables,print independent characters and symbols. The Puts keyword is used to print character strings on the application window.

How can you save webpages for later viewing that have no file command just 'print now' command?

If you're using a windows PC (even vista) you can hit ALT + F to make the file menu appear regardless of whether or not its on the web browser. If you only need a small bit of text or an image, you can always hit 'Print Screen', open Paint and paste, a screencapture of what's displayed on the screen will save. If you're talking about a pop-up window with information in it; ALT+F might not work.

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C program to find greatest of three numbers?

# include<stdio.h> main() { int a,b,c; print f("enter the values of a,b,c"); scan f("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); if((a>b)&&(a>c)) print f("Greatest value is a =%d",a); else if((b>a)&&(b>c)) print f("Greatest value is b=%d",b); else print f("Greatest value is c=%d",c); }

What is the program to print Fibonacci series in qbasic?

CLS a = 0 b = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 10 IF a = 0 THEN f = 1 END IF PRINT f b = a a = f f = a + b NEXT i END from : Parth jani