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Q: What is the distance between the top and bottom of a wave in the ocean?
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Amplitude is the loudness also known as what wave?

amplitude is: the distance between the top or bottom of a wave and the center of the wave.

What does attitude mean in reference to ocean waves?

I'm sure that this question means altitude. Altitude is vertical distance between the maximum or minimum of the ocean wave (or any wave) and halfway between the minimum and maximum. Half the vertical distance between the minimum and maximum of the wave.

What is the definition of wavelength in units?

the distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions of a light wave is called its wavelength.

What ocean motion occurs when a wave strikes the bottom of the ocean?

A breaker wave, a surf.

Why a wave changes in the surf zone?

the bottom of the ocean is closer and the wave hit the bottom and they become shorter increasing the wave lenght

What is the name of the distance between wave crest?

The wave's wavelength is the name is the distance between wave crest.

What is the Ditstice Between Crests?

The distance between crests( like in ocean waves) is referred to as it's wave length. Wave length also has direct effect on it's frequency, how often the wave repeats.

Which equatian shows how frequency is related to velocity and wavelength apex?

C the distance between the top or bottom of a wave

What is the distance between the crest of waves is?

The wave's wavelength is the name is the distance between wave crest.

What does the wavelength of a wave do?

The wavelength of a wave is property of the wave that defines the distance between any two peaks or any two troughs. In reality it can be between any two points on the way as long as they are taken at the exact same phase of the wave; which repeats every period. As for what it "does", it defines the distance described above. It is like asking what your height "does": it defines the distance between the bottom of your feet and the top of your head.

Distance between identical points on a wave?

The distance between identical points on a wave is called wavelength.

What is the distance of an ocean wave trough to trough?

That will be wavelength you can figure out the distance by doing this wavelength (m) ---------------------- Wave period (s)=wave speed (m/s)