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5ml (i.e. 5 cubic centimetres)

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Q: What is the volume of a rock that displaces 5mL of water in a graduated cylinder?
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How do you find the volume of a steel bolt?

Measure it in a graduated cylinder by seeing how much water it displaces.

How is volume of an irregular object calculated?

To find the volume of an irregular object such as a rock, you have to use displacement. If you place the object in a graduated cylinder filled with water, the volume of the object is equal to the amount of water that the object displaces. For example, if a graduated cylinder is filled with 100mL of water, and you place an object such as a rock and the water rises from 100mL to 106mL, then the volume of the rock is 6.

How could the volume of a 12 sided object be found using water and a graduated cylinder?

it can be found by first taking the volume of the water itself and then the volume of the object in the water. you pour water into the 12-sided object, then measure the amount of water using the graduated cylinder. Then you do this: length x width x height = volume

What is the volume of an irregular object that displaces 32ml of water in a graduated cylinder?

If 32 ml of water is displaced by a completely submerged object, that means the volume of the object is 32 ml as well (or 32 cc).

How do I find the volume of an irregular object using a graduated cylinder?

To determine the volume of an irregular object using graduated cylinders, you fill a graduated cylinder with water right to the top, then submerge the object in the water. Measure the water that overflows using a second graduated cylinder, and read the water level in it in cc's or cubic inches. That is the object's volume.

What is a graduated cylinder for in science?

A graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume, or capacity of water. Or to just measure Water.

How can you measure the volume of solid with a graduated cylinder?

You can put water in the graduated cylinder and drop the solid in and see how much the water rises

What method is the best way to find the volume of a sample of water?

Use a graduated cylinder and the water displacement method. Pour the sample of water in the graduated cylinder and find its meniscus. That is its volume.

What unit of measurement does a graduated cylinder use?

The unit of measurement that a graduated cylinder uses is the volume/mass of water.

How do you compare the densities of two rock samples?

Divide each rock's mass by its volume. The rock with the higher number is denser. To find the volume, measure the rocks in a graduated cylinder, the one that displaces more water is denser.

How do you measure a solid using a graduated cylinder?

Fill the graduated cylinder with water, and measure the volume. Now put the item in, measure the water's volume again, and take the difference

How can you calculate the volume of an irregularly shaped object?

If the object in question is water proof, and small enough. You can measure the amount of displaced water when it is placed in a tank full of water, this may not work for a lot of things but it can help when attempting to measure some objects.