

what material can float the most?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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A plastic duck.

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Q: What material can float the most?
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Which material will float on water?

The material which are less denser than water will float on water..!!

Will string float or sink in water?

Nope Most string should float on top of water becomes the string material is less dense than he water.

Do shoes sink or float?

Most shoes would sink, but some would float if they were made of a material that floats such as crocks, or had no holes such as a pair of Dutch wooden clogs.

What determines if a material will float in another?

Relative density.

Will a fork float?

A fork can float if it is made of the right material. A fork that is made from stainless steel will not float in water, but a fork made of plastic will.

What type of material floats?

Any material that has less density than the liquid on which it is supposed to float.

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Any material that will float, such as wood or plastic.

What happens to substances that are less dense than the surrounding material?

There are a number of things that may happen to substances that are less dense than the surrounding material. In most cases, this is what will cause them to float on the surrounding material.

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If it is lower it will float

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If you think to a material with the density of 0,92 g/cm3, this material float on water.

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Heilum combined with the light material of the balloon make it as light as air making it float.

Will a 1.3 cube float?

Whether or not it floats will depend on the material , not the size.