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Go to web site to see which patents are pending.

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Q: Where can I find which patents are pending?
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What is the difference between pending and proposed patent?

Pending patents refer to applications already filed in the patent office. Proposed patents refer to business strategy about whether and when to file a patent application.

How long can a patent remain pending?

A patent can remain pending for many years. Some patent applications are divided as they progress, allowing various embedded inventions to become patented while other claims to related inventions in the same application are further examined. I have personally worked on patents that were over 14 years old, and still "pending" in the sense that more patents could be issued on it.

What does 42pat. Pending mean?

Probably that they are lying- US patents in process, but since no one can verify those pending, many companies make up a huge impressive number to look innovative.

If I have an idea that I haven't heard of before, how do I go about seeing if there is already a pending patent for it?

There are several ways to search for pending patents. One is to go to Google Patent Search ( or you can contact companies that help you develop your ideas. They charge a fee, but they will research and see if there are any similar products in development. You can search the internet under invention developers for a choice of companies,

Where can one find schematics for patents?

The website Free Patents Online provides descriptions of patents, with downloadable PDFs of their schematics. Alternatively, the website Patents provides text descriptions but no images.

Remington pump 22 shortlonglong rifle gun pedersens patents jany 5 1909 other patents pending it has round barrel you are looking for any information on this gun?

Yes, I got it from my grand father, and I don't know any thing about it.

How do I get posts pending on Facebook?

To see your pending posts, go to your timeline and click the activity log. There you will find the pending posts.

Where can I find a database of items that are waiting for patent online?

One option is to visit the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) at They provide a database called "Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR)" where you can search for patent application status and pending items. Another option is to visit websites like Google Patents or Espacenet, where you can search for pending patent applications and view their status and associated documents.

Can I do a free patent search online that is accurate?

Yes. You can find many patents online with the name of the inventor. There are also websites that specialize in patents and have a great deal of information on patents.

How do you find out about hockey sticks patents?

patent companies

What is the patent for the Cadillac navigation?

United States patent numbers 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535. There are also other issued and pending patents in the United States and worldwide.