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Chandoo is one of the most popular Excel classes, but you have to pay for some of the classes. They are located online at

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Q: Where can I take online Excel classes for my job?
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You need to get a degree for that job so you will have to take classes online through your local college or university. Luckily, there are many online classes now so you should be able to find what you are looking for.

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There are many free excel training tutorials online. Check out: for some basic excel training. Also YouTube has many videos dedicated to Excel training that do a great job and depicting some of the more complicated procedures.

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These days most of the real estate classes you will take to get into that career path can be found online. Obtaining a business degree will help you in your job, but normal real estate classes are found mainly online.

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One can find freelance excel jobs online at job listing sites such as craigslist. One could also look at local job listings on the newspaper that offer work online.

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It is not possible to get an online degree. The reason why is this job requires alot of hands on activity that a dental physician must use and do. You can take certain classes online.

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Crystal Training Source is probably the closest thing. They offer training for that exact job description online:

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You could but it would have to be through an accredited college. If you dont make sure of this then they wont count for a job. Most employers wont hire somebody who didnt take classes from an accredited college.

Where can I take medical billing and coding classes?

You will probably not be able to find anything for free online that will teach you all that you need to know. If you have a job currently a lot of times they will reimburse you for schooling so check with your employer to see if they offer this. Also, you could pay for the training and then when you get a job see if they offer reimbursement for you.

Are there any recommended online colleges or sites that provide a credited program for an accounting certificate which has job placement?

Online classes are made so that you can take them in your own time. They are for your own convenience so that you can go at your own pace. Start by looking for online classes, then look into accounting.